
Pity about the name. They should have spelled it “Fi” or “Fee” if they wanted to stick with that pronunciation. “Fe” should be pronounced “Feh”.

Something to remember is that these players represent a very small percentage of males in general. If you were to take say 1000 random men from ages 20-29, how many of them would be one of these types of guys, with the eyeliner and the hat(shudder).

I don’t know if I’m on board with The Last of Us viking edition but I’ll be there day 1 and I know it will be a well made game. Just not sure if this is what I want from a God of War game.

Will there be a Paper Mario special edition?

[insert weed joke since this comes out 4/20]

Well done Nintendo. Did not expect this AT ALL.

“Build your own damn peripherals.” - Nintendo

well this sucks, if the content isn’t available to get online anymore, they should just patch it into the single player game.

Not sure what’s up, but this time of the year is usually awful in one way or another for all of us. As someone who battles depression, all I can say is if you’re feeling extremely down, reach out to someone if you can, even if it’s a helpline. Hope things turn out okay.

I certainly wouldn’t have been opposed to spending MORE time there if it were made into this movie’s Cloud City or Tatooine but there just wasn’t enough time. And as you point out it is a shame given the clear amount of work that went into trying to create an identity for that world in as few shots as possible. All of

The plotting itself in Act 2 was pointless. What Rian Johnson was trying to do (I’m not sure I totally agree with his decisions) was take the usual harebrained Star Wars convoluted Hail Mary hero plan and make it fail. And fail spectacularly.

It’s essentially just a combination of Roblox and LittleBigPlanet. 

Remember kids - the name of the game for a Gamer is

Yesterday, Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth players got to play as Satoru Iwata. The former head of Nintendo died in 2015. Every year since, he’s appeared in the game on December 6, his birthday. Afterbrith never made it to Wii U or 3DS, so was the first time the tribute was on a Nintendo platform.