Vincent Andrada

So what you are saying is, if you don’t know how to maintain a car yourself, you shouldn’t drive?

No, it isn’t. Not in my head. And this video takes place in my head. I will never call him Teedus. Ever.

Man I went into reading this thinking I knew exactly how it was going to go and I was wrong. The questions were good questions that got good answers. I don’t 100% support Cooks agenda but I understand and respect it. She doesn’t mind that fan service exists and doesn’t want it banned or to shun people who like it, she

Really appreciate it!

D’Anastasio: Really, that just seems to be fan service. What’s the issue? It’s like, “Here’s the meat of the anime, with a little pepper sprinkled on top.” It’s not the whole thing.

Did we watch the same video... You can quite clearly see the PS4 version is using higher poly models.

FF has been taking itself seriously for over a decade. It wasnt always just doom and gloom and FF9 was amazing in that regard.

XIII doesn’t even have the best hallway

FFIX bruh

It won’t split development at all really. Historically when ever a platform has small variations in hardware like this developers will always just develop for the lowest common denominator, i.e. the regular PS4. No one will waste time and money developing anything exclusively for the Pro because most PS4 owners won’t

Because the system has been selling maybe a third of what the PS4 has been for years? Nothing they’ve done has moved the needle. I think they are working on keeping Xbox fans happy (and doing well) by delivering them cool things but we’re long past the point where this market has made its decision.

Except we’re not early in the PS4's lifecycle anymore, and one of the reasons this game was delayed so much was a large amount of engine rework. We’re close to getting new models of PS4 and XBO, I doubt we’ll see early-cycle issues at this stage.

The point being made works better if you illustrate it (er, pun not intended) against a good anime rather than a bad one though. “See, manga has these strong points even when the anime version is well executed.” I don’t think anyone is saying that the OPM anime is anything but great.

I respectfully disagree with points 1 through 9 of your editorial, Mr. Hamilton, and I offer this singular counterpoint: Naval Warfare.

I’ll just go through each separate point that Kirk has made and write a counter-argument to it.

It really sounds like he sucks hardcore. I've NEVER missed a hay pile or pile of branches even when I wasn't aiming directly at it. I always fire at the person I'm aiming at though reloading kind of sucks but that really isn't an issue given the time period. I've piled on plenty of hours and am in Seq 7 and I'm still

wow, haters gonna hate i guess? I'm 30 hours into the game and loving it. Pretty much disagree with every point you've made in this article. The gump effect has always been there, but i guess its just finally hit american audiences. It's part of the franchise.

I wouldn't let this article stop you from getting the game if your interested in it! Kirk does have some valid points, but some of them are blown way out of proportion. I have the PS3 version, and have no issues with laggy running or sluggish weapon changing he claims to have suffered from. I will agree that the

Why would you start this series with its 5th game?

Are we playing the same game? I am in Sequence 7, I have liberated Boston, and done a moajority of the missions avaliable to me so far. You must just suck at it, buddy.