In this climate, would Fox really refrain from using the adjective ‘Mexican’ rather than merely ‘Latino’? Wouldn’t they shoehorn a ‘rapist’ in there somewheres?
In this climate, would Fox really refrain from using the adjective ‘Mexican’ rather than merely ‘Latino’? Wouldn’t they shoehorn a ‘rapist’ in there somewheres?
I’m not sure it was a planned strategy so much as it was a general understanding that he and Warren were the biggest targets from a polling standpoint and Warren has done a lot to insulate herself from being vulnerable to policy attacks based on her work to put out a bunch of well-designed proposals on various policy…
I think he pissed a lot of people off with the immediate dive into Spanish honestly. I mean you saw Booker and Warren’s face when he did it.
No, but I think running and failing to win a Senate seat in Texas carried a much higher immediate risk of being marked as a political “loser” for O’Rourke than running for President seemed to have, which is why he chose the latter.
What an incredible insight, Tomato.
Do you honestly think he believed he had a better shot at the Presidency than a Senate seat? Beto was running for a shot at VP, but would have done better to remain outside the race and try to look rebellious but insightful. This show killed his “insightful” chances.
Obvious troll is very, very obvious. Please refrain from ungreying this hate-engorged shitbird.
In that regard, I would almost have felt bad for him if he belonged up there and was just getting dogpiled because of a mistake or a quiet demeanor.
I’ve argued in the past that O’Rourke should’ve just run for Senate a second time,
Yeah my theory is everyone's advisers told them not to pick fights with Warren so they went for who they thought was the next biggest threat on that stage.
It’s a shame, really, because many were ready to work again to get him elected in Texas.
He was unprepared and he also was the immediate punching bag for basically everyone else on stage. I’m not sure if that was a prepared strategy or if everyone got there, saw him and decided “I can whip him.”
It’s helpful to know that Robert Frances O’Rourke is the new version of Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
Eh. The problem O’Rourke is facing that those guys really aren’t is that people know who he is. Neither Ryan, nor Delaney, nor even deBlasio have any illusions about their chances to be in this race by the time South Carolina votes, let alone by Super Tuesday or (haha) the convention. O’Rourke has a hugely effective…
then dropped the hammer by telling him he didn’t do his “homework” before coming to the debate.
“Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.”
I mean it’s a downfall because unlike the other one percenters he had... like 4%. Polling better than booker plenty of times. Way better than castro.
Personally I am glad that people are realizing that someone who says nice things and seems very likable isn’t qualified for president for saying nice things and seeming very likable.
Because all most people had seen of him prior to that were glowing pieces about his Texas strategy (a good one) and carefully cultivated bullshit puffery. He looked like what he is, under-cooked and not quite ready for national consumption. He’s going to take this L, go on a walkabout or some shit and pop up again in…