You are 100% correct, good sir!
You are 100% correct, good sir!
I’m not paying for a BET streaming service unless like CBS Access, the content is a huge departure from what is primarily on their cable net work. Also we’re in streaming service overload. The next tech giant to make a shit ton of money is the one who can negotiate with all the different streaming services, to allow a…
Harris is charismatic af; did you not see her speech when she announced? The main stream media is just ignoring her. For now. I think she will shine in debates.
I think her problem is that she doesn’t have a lot of charisma. She’s a good senator, but not inspiring. Which is needed for a presidential hopeful. Also, a lot of sexist brogressives hate her for her championing of the #metoo movement and for pushing Al Franken’s resignation.
Thanks for posting this. Between reading this and watching Lizzo’s performance a few dozen times my Monday is now better than the default level of shittyness these days.
Seriously, though, who goes on crafting forums to talk about politics?
Gay men are sons and brothers and uncles and best friends...they are family.
Hit dogs and all that.
There were “build the wall” patterns being shared daily as a way to intimidate PoC and immigrants, or to “make the libs cry” as the posters said.
This was exactly my question! Im on there, I crochet not knit, but it would never occur to me to pop for the purpose of political discussion!
They are F-ing everywhere. The Mods on my archeology group have to do daily reminders of the guidelines. You know what I got instead of Birthday wishes from my Mom today? A pro-trump chain email. Jesus wept.
I couldn’t be more proud to be a member of ravelry, so I made this.
I can’t say I was expecting this, but good on Ravelry! Seriously, though, who goes on crafting forums to talk about politics?
She’s would be a contender, but there’s at least a half dozen contenders, and a half dozen more semi-contenders. She needs to do something to shake up the race, give herself oxygen, and come up with a compelling reason why she should join the ranks of the contenders instead of end up triangulated out of existence.
True, but I wonder if there’s less downside to running if you’re one of a couple dozen losers, and she’s increasing her name recognition and policy priorities in the meantime.
I feel really bad for Gillibrand. She’s been in the Senate for awhile and has been a pretty good Senator. In a normal race, she’d be seen as a contender. Instead she’s in the backhalf of 25 candidates as all the attention primarily went to some guy who lost a Senatorial race in Texas and a 37 year old Mayor who’s…
Bernie has little patience for preparation, that’s such a shocker he usually seems so focused on details....
Your agenda is right there in your article, “having the right to ... exist and to be treated as equals”.
Not all agendas are bad. They’re not ulterior motives. They keep groups focused and working towards the same goal. It’s OK to have them.
Does Cardi B deserve the critical eye? Absolutely. But comparing her to Khloe Kardashian in this instance is a false equivalence for me. Cardi B has a ton of new money, but as a woman of color former stripper from the Bronx, she’s not far from maybe the same marginalized status of the bartenders she beefed with.
This is the thing; it’s not really important in the big scheme of things. Of course, it would be great to have more big budgeted film projects produced by and starting blacks. However, it is a nice to have; not a need. At the end of the day, even if there were a hundred more Black Panthers, how would it actually…