Last year, Biden literally campaigned for a Republican candidate over the Democratic candidate.
Last year, Biden literally campaigned for a Republican candidate over the Democratic candidate.
Pride has completely forgotten its roots and its raison d’être. Sponsored floats and corporate sponsorships are the end of the politics the movement was supposed to be about: who pays commands, and who commands certainly doesn’t want to see anything remotely radical being on the platform.
Biden, Schumer, and other Democrats are acting as if the current Republicans area fluke and the problems will go away if Trumpo is gone. Two problems with that. First, you can’t just assume he won’t be re-elected. And second, the Republicans were blocking most things in the Senate before Trumpo got elected.
The problem is that, as Chuck Schumer admitted in an interview, he would prefer to court and win over Republican voters by appealing to them than run a strong liberal candidate. If he did what you are -- correctly -- instructing, it would supposedly alienate the hypothetifal conservative voters that are just chomping…
There is. It would only take a small handful of Republican senators caucusing with Dems to override McTurtle. But the entire GOP is composed of evil traitors so....
It amazes me that our democracy can be short circuited by a single person like this. I always thought that there was a way to override the Senate majority leader.
But when he changes his name to match his wrestling character, his wife (who’s complicit in, at best, whitewashing him, but probably also his bigotry) is billed as "the widow of The Ultimate Warrior," etc, you can't divorce them. At all
Is this what’s been holding back impeachment proceedings? A desire to look effectual?
This is covered some in the article I wrote in March. He was working for a conservative think tank who, I guess, felt like he'd be good at reaching certain demographics. But he was being invited by campus Republican groups, not the schools.
The upshot, according to four Democrats familiar with the findings, is that the public’s impression of the new House majority is bound up in its battles with Trump, not in its policy agenda.
Well, you definitely missed the point of the article.
Thanks for posting this. I, too, enjoy belittling people who are trying to point out bigotry and make rich, powerful people accountable for their actions.
I’d be surprised if those two slept in the same wing of their mansion. I gotta figure the only reason they’re still “together” is because Big Mama shutdown divorce talk as bad for business.
Meh. She remains problematic and these efforts do not sway me one bit because she’s doing them with the imprimatur of a racist president who could GIVE A F about a parolee, especially a brown or black one. If she was doing this without his endorsement, that’s one thing. Once a racist, always one. She and her fellow…
It’s almost like the WWE WANTS you to forget they released a DVD that was just an hour straight of burying Jim Helwig as both a professional wrestler AND a human being (also, quite possibly my favorite WWE home video release, if only for Heenan’s contributions to it).
wow. I was unaware of this angle of the Warrior’s diatribes, but then, I was never a fan of his. Hell, I barely watched WWE by the time Benoit happened, and that was pretty much the final straw for me. I follow Wight on FB, but otherwise, I only collect SOME of the WWE figures for custom fodder.
You’re not wrong, but at the same time I can’t lie and say that seeing these rainbows flags and Pride support blasted all over the place would not have made me feel seen and like I wasn’t totally alone as a deeply closetted teenager.
The first corporate publicist who realized that a corporation could get all sorts of brownie points for doing the bare minimum has to be in the Evil Genius Hall of Fame. I feel like Disney was the first large corporation who got all sorts of props for just letting gay people go to Disney World.
Say it again and again:
The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.