
Put these white kids to work in a factory with no adult supervision. It will teach them how we made America great.

A commenter here had the right idea with Nat Turner Day.

The oil is much more different than a retailer putting in a burger. CBD is basically flat tummy tea for anyone who’s not an Instagram model.

The thought process behind it is that if you take a high enough dose, it’s like Tylenol or Advil without affecting your liver/kidneys or getting you trippy. The issue is that the legally allowed dosage is something like 1% of what’s actually needed for that effect.

Because IIRC, Reagan defunded mental health in the 80's. California has a real problem with blueprinting utopia and then opting for dystopia instead.

Which is what the Clintons did and it was a mess. “Oh you think we’re plutocrat racists who are only concerned with political aspirations? Guess we are.”

When the rest of the candidates can’t even admit they’ve made mistakes, it’s honestly refreshing to hear one say that their policies were damaging and didn’t achieve

Grenfell Tower Tragedy: Approximately 70 deaths, £26.5m raised
Notre Dame Fire: 0 deaths, Estimated £1 billion raised 

That’s gotta hurt. The state attorney that doesn’t think it’s worth pursuing charges against you because you’re washed. At least Lindsay Lohan got those free staycays in a cute prison.

I truly don’t know what to make of this mess.

Your ass shouldn’t be on FOX News unless you specifically want to appeal to voters who vote solely based on bigotry. Bernie Sanders has already been criticized for pandering to that base. Hammering it home with this is not a good look. We give a ton of Democrats blowback

Purposely burning down black churches because they were black equals a random fire at of a historical monument that already has enough funding to be rebuilt?

Bark bark bark.

I bet Cher won’t say shit about helping on our own first when it comes to this

I highly question the notion that Bernie is immune to incentives. His whole 2020 campaign is based on incentives. It’s just an agenda that doesn’t provide the same incentives for most current Dems.

I don’t think Cory Booker is gay but I do think Rosario Dawson is willing to do the things he likes. She gets to potentially be FLOTUS. He gets to not have strange women saying he likes to pop that bussy on a handstand.

Alyssa Milano is a disabled Muslim trans sex worker so I expect her to be Jamaican too and support Harris.

In all seriousness, I am glad this is who they are getting behind and they’re doing it this early. The number of celebrities who were ambivalent about Clinton unless it involved paid sponsorship (looking at you

I still scream every time you use “Branch Bernidians.” It really is just so perfect.

I also am really hoping Buttigieg doesn’t come ahead. I’d love to see a gay President but I loathe the idea of the same issues we deal with in the community being brushed over because he’s being lauded as progress by straight people.

Somebody sold them on this idea of surveillance and in their emotional state, they bought it. I don’t see how knowing this dude in advance would have prevented him committing the crime any more than knowing who all the 9/11 hijackers were and still doing business with Saudi Arabia.

I don’t know why this made me holler

THANK YOU. That was by far the most interesting piece in this.

Literally. Let the students at USC whose parents aren’t rich throw books at her.

Lord I just let out the most ugly laugh at Narc Improvement. Tim Allen really is a piece of work.