Right down to the anti-intellectualism.
Right down to the anti-intellectualism.
“every aspect of my life is weaponized against me yet somehow asserted as false at the same time.”
Don’t do this Barack. Not this way man.
I don’t care if you disagree. You’re wrong. You’re out of your depth. You would not be arguing this if you had any idea what you were talking about.
It really galls me to think that some people want “intentionally harboring a potentially deadly illness” to be a protected class. We haven’t even gotten to the point of where children can be guaranteed a place to live or a meal to eat but are fighting to ensure they can die? And it smacks of privilege because that’s…
I wish concern trolls had half as much as interest in areas where that actually happens. Profiling is fine because they might catch criminals. Profiling is fine because that gay man trying to donate blood might have HIV. Looking up a child’s medical records that were voluntarily submitted as part of an admissions…
We know what measles and polio are and have known for quite some time. We know how to protect people against those diseases. We know what happens if we don’t protect people against them.
Back then, no one knew what HIV was and didn’t try to because it was…
You’d think that Chicago was Mayberry with how desperate these folks are for justice over a lie that technically hurt no one.
Chicago used to have around 100 murders every summer. How are you this tough on crime but your fucking city is real life Fortnite? Shut your dumb asses up. That’s not even taking into account…
“You know what I like the most?”
*climbs on top of kitchen counter*
“Let’s get it done.”
I am really trying to have sympathy for what seems like a clearly abusive situation with her husband who owns the production company but girl. Wendy Williams is a brand unto herself. There is no doubt in my mind he would try and Kendu Isaacs or Stephen Belafonte her but she can rebuild and do so very easily. That…
As someone that has struggled with suicidal thoughts, never once have I thought to take down anyone else with me. I’d actually argue that a lot suicidal people enter into isolation specifically to do the deed with the least amount of collateral damage.
He admitted on video that he would rape Young MA as a joke. How is there any doubt that this dude is a rapist?
Sad thing is I think she’s dissociative. There is no amount of white hubris that would lead someone to believe they’re black to the point of changing their name to something more “African” sounding. Kim Kardashian and Ariana Grande have gone to great lengths to look black while making it perfectly clear they don’t…
I don’t know why this headline sent me but it did. I really wish she would come back to reality because a white woman with her knowledge of black culture could be a powerful bridge at an educational institution or government. Imagine someone who could do kanekalon box braids while yelling for a manager. Everyone would…
I want to know how the four stages of an eating disorder got jail time like it’s summer school.
It will take a lot of time and a lot of work will need to be done but it’s good that at the very least, they acknowledged their racially based policies were harmful. They did so very publicly and officially too. The United States continues to fall behind the curve and that should worry the people living here.
Los Angeles is going to turn into San Francisco and I’m hoping I can leave before it gets to that point.
Oh come on. It’s common for victims of sexual assault to not remember specific details because of the trauma. They’re also kids.
I’ll say it until I’m blue in the face, no Thotiana. This was bound to be the result. That doc was a fucking mess and its only purpose was so already rich people could ride the accountability…
Off-topic but the thing I never got about Black Hebrew Israelites is that Jacob extorted Esau’s birthright instead of just being a good brother. To keep the scam going, the mom got in on it. How are white people being the aggrieved party in this origin story something that black folks want to be associated with?