
Kudos to him for doing the triage that needed to be done. Now we’ll see how the public discussion goes. Too much of sexual conquest is rooted in manhood and that’s a global problem.

He got NBC hostile takeover money. I’m sure he can afford to buy off some COs with that.

I know TI just mad he didn’t have Iggy Azalea in that when she was “rapping” about being a slavemaster.

This boycott social media bare minimum effort is the closest example I’ve seen of “outrage culture” that everyone purports to exist because this shouldn’t be news. Gucci has been racist since Gucci was founded.

I’m glad this topic is gaining steam. There are definitely violent people who will hit anyone, adult or child, because they want to. They get off on the fear and compliance. There’s also those who engage in generational abuse because they’re afraid themselves. If your kid can get arrested just for being alive, you are

Wyatt also said that Cosby believes he is a “political prisoner,” targeted for his social and political views much like heroes Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela.

“Well what can we do? We need to keep the Democrats in control!” isn’t the smart pragmatic mature advice that everyone seems to think it is. It’s patronizing and arrogant and quite honestly more annoying than performative-woke-other adjectives that people are stringing together Twitter.

How about people just fucking


I am really prone to anxiety that I can’t see coming until I’m in a panic attack. I’ve found that reaching out to depressed people can be helpful for both of us. I have a distraction and they have someone checking in.

Because, for me the entire “turn to your loved ones” advice is a risk. There is a huge chance that explaining to a person that I have some problems can result in changing that persons opinion of me, and sometimes very quickly.

Gucci thinks black people are undesirable but recognizes they have money. That’s going back to the origins of Dapper Dan. It’s also no secret how colorist Italians are so racism isn’t that much of a stretch.

I never even lived in Detroit but know about Watts Club Mozambique. It’s premium 90's fuckery.

Girl I know what blackface is and Jim Crow and minstrel shows. This is The Root not The Today Show.

I was once told on Jezebel that blackface comes from the theatre so I wouldn’t be surprised. They weren’t a troll either which is the wild part.

Latinas in the film with the last name Rodriguez are on timeout. Like for real.

I counter with New Jack City if we’re not basing this off reality. Harlem has a lot of black history but it’s history. Europeans bought up too much of the cheap property in the 00's and rented it out to gentrifiers to speed it along.

NOLA, Atlanta, and Baltimore would all be more deserving of being called “Chocolate

POCs? You must think people get more money back in taxes by having baby’s.

When I realized so many of my acquaintances were too comfortable with bigotry. We’re not talking ill-advised jokes or uninformed opinions either. Like full on white power, pro-patriarchy shit.

Cara DeLevingne did what now?

That she got her ass in gear and we’re glad. Pelosi only brings the fight if pushed. Schumer on the other hand can still choke because even if we do win back the government, he’s not gonna risk his cute little reputation he carved out during Bush 2.

I am glad that we’re moving past respectability politics, even if it’s a slow crawl. This woman, who begged and pleaded the non-white and/or non-rich to be good little subjects, disrespecting him on TV at the SOTU is a breakthrough.

Boehner and Gingrich and Ryan used to act a fuckin fool up there and it’s about time we