
Ok bootstraps.

Can you honestly think of a better way to possibly die a gruesome death than to a remix of I Got 5 On It that knocks that hard though?


White people go into the creepy cellar or open the door when no one is outside. That remix is how the killer family lures them out of hiding. One “what you know about this?

I’d say that was Lemonade which is one of the more accessible modern womanist works but okay. Invading white spaces to gain white approval is the end goal for some people and it worked.

I just absolutely hate his brand of edgelord.

Technically, it’s lazy. It’s like when a public speaker says nice things about a local sports team. Literally anyone can do low hanging fruit and being interchangeable in Hollywood is career death.

One can only hope.

This. There has no been Republican that has been a thorn in Trump’s side. I suspect the majority loathe him but know that they have to listen to him to get their bread buttered. They understand that supporting any Republican gets them where they want to be.

We can do better and have the chance to.

Thankfully I think there are more “undecided” people who buy into Warren than Clinton. The latter has a cult of personality but also a ton of terrible baggage to go with it. Warren has a stupid gaffe from playing a losing game but no damning scandal. If she gets her strategy on point, she’ll be viable.

Exactly. The only people who are pro-Conservative anything at this point are desperate. Common sense and decency aren’t even in the back of their minds.

She doesn’t have to be the only challenger. Hopefully we learned that lesson in 2016.

She is much more valuable in Congress and I agree that I would love love love to see her replace Schumer.

My life is over.


I say just wrap into meth/opiates into one category and add guns. Those river fordin, typhoid catchin, Elizabeth sprained her arm mafuckas love their guns.

Is that camouflage? Of course it is.

It’s an option and that’s an excellent change of pace for the “WE CAN ONLY HAVE ONE CANDIDATE” party. I don’t expect her to win but I prefer her to Bloomberg and Avenatti.

And that’s that on that

Why does The Root care about Django Unmaimed? He’s only good at ducking punches and running out the clock. It’s no coincidence that he’s friends with Trump with a strategy like that.

If you are Jewish and white passing, of course you benefit from white privilege. Duh. We’ve seen the same thing from people who descended from settlers that originated in the northern part of Spain.

I just think it’s an incredibly boorish point to turn prejudice back around on Jewish people because they too can be

That’s like saying slavery doesn’t impact treatment of black folks today or colonialism didn’t introduce Stockholm Syndrome to Latin America. Let’s just focus on 2018 in a vacuum though.