
I agree. It’s pretty shortsighted to crap on an entire demographic because you don’t think they’ll be able to voice their concerns in the next couple of decades. Too bad Democrats can’t just charge everything bad that happens to an ideology like MAGA, right?

When it comes to people who played their part under Obama, this dude did less than Chuck Schumer. No, no, no, no, and a muthafuckin NO.

Cuz high key, that dick wasn’t impressive enough to be sending unsolicited.

Divorce him and use the settlement money to pitch that Girlfriends movie.

I was a fan of Dr. Hogly Wogly’s Tyler Texas BBQ in Van Nuys but that was almost five years ago

God forgive my soul but as soon as I read,

It was the Honda Element for people who make fun of Honda Elements. Those people must have trolled GM hard.

I can guarantee you that GM is very much stuck in the past. Its only selling point has ever really been legacy. It sure as hell ain’t reputation.

Want a great example of the company shooting itself in the foot? The racist saying that Pontiac is supposedly an acronym for. In mouth breathers’ fervor to punch down, they

You have to be pretty nuts for a guy who believes in conversion therapy to not want to associate with you.

What in the fuck am I supposed to do with all this baby oil then?

She did that to save face plain and simple. Not excusing just explaining because it definitely doesn’t make sense.

I remember 2016 differently. It was Bernie being disruptive and the DNC-candidate-at-all-costs was Hillary Clinton. There were no choices because people were pre-emptively saying no then too.

But should Harris leap into the fray, she’ll be up against some heavy hitters. In addition to Warren and Biden, Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders and Beto O’Rourke are all names floating as potential presidential candidates.

Great. So the movie would have been even more boring.

You couldn’t pay me to believe she killed herself. That mugshot legitimately scarred me.

In a country where police have largely been able to defend using deadly force against a black person, her story is probably unfortunately more disturbing than just someone “fearing for their life.”

I still laugh at people like Bob Iger and Elon Musk who only took a stand against Trump when he didn’t believe in climate change. So being a bigot wasn’t a dealbreaker?



This is what I have been trying to articulate for more than a year. It’s not that someone copied me or was inspired by me or even got more attention than me. I absolutely hate that someone thinks they’re coming from the same place as me. You can’t think for me or explain my thoughts.

They’re trying to bring him up on federal charges instead of just going after him for violating probation.