
There’s something else there too. Get-it-how-you-live-types keep their head down. They aren’t afraid to be black but they also won’t say shit about shit, good or bad. Ego is what is driving Van Jones and he wants to show everyone that he is the right kind of black and has only suffered setbacks because he chose to be

When someone from a culture shaped by post-colonialism internalizes their trauma and is willing to reap the benefits of exceptionalism, a Republican star is born i.e. Marco Rubio

It’s sophisticated lookin

Do y’all get paid to make bad faith arguments online? Either that or it must be the only way y’all can climax. “Owning the libs” is a helluva drug.

You can shake your fist at white people all day long but if you’re willing to equate black men with being violent, then all that faux rage is only meant to be self

Your slip is showing

Jesus be a Minions meme

People like that are exhausting. The only reason they care about your financial situation is because they want their cut. When you say you’re broke but you’re not living on the street, they call you a liar in lieu of being understanding because again, the only thing they care about is your money.

All that coded language just to say you think black is analogous to crime. Maybe Christina Cabral should have asked the customer to use her laptop (connected to White Jesus’ WiFi network apparently) so she could Google how many mass shooters are black.

Not Kathy Creamer. I am weak.

Journalists move past irresponsible into reckless when they attempt to give “both sides.” Why is an 88 year old man allowed to defend violent bigotry? People talk about the South but SOP for the Northeast is to be “fair” to people who would never extend that same opportunity.

It says less about black men and more about black women not having the same kind of resources available. Hard to leave if you don’t have the means. Even if you do, if those who are supposed to help you, like DV counselors or police, are less sympathetic then there’s also less urgency which gives the perpetrator an

Ok so I really wanna wear that yellow let-your-titties-live-their-best-life turtleneck and I don’t even have any.

I have to give her credit too. I thought her line was just going to be a re-brand of their current hoe fashion.

I was not hyping them up. I said that I hated knee jerk reactions like this because there are people more deserving of that energy. I even corrected the first person to reply by saying that this is what they’re supposed to be doing.

For me, it’s not about giving credit and it’s not about defending white fragility. It’s

I get it. Their “thing” has been accepting male fuckery if it’s advantageous or makes them feel like they belong. Emmett Till’s accuser, suffragettes being racist as hell, etc. all hurts. So it’s maddening when they opt to choose racism in 2018 despite it making sexism that much harder to tackle.

But if you have that

Abloh is benefitting from exceptionalism at this point but I won’t knock him for breaking the glass ceiling. I too hope for the end of the Fashion Nova era of fashion. It makes me a bit resentful to be honest. Stuff like that used to be mocked endlessly as poor by the fashion elite but now they act as if they invented


Make no mistake. This is what white people are supposed to be doing.

I am just tired of seeing those who put forth the effort treated as try hards or accused of looking for validation while others get chance after chance because they date black or can milly rock.

Eminem has done what for the culture exactly?

Risking her life for a black man she never met. Remember that the next time you fix your mouth to talk about “opinions” and “preferences.”

That doll looks like if Rakim was an inner city school teacher.

To the other commenters, where did they act like they cured inequality? They proved a point and people, like local news, took notice. That’s like step #1 of deconstructing white supremacy - using your privilege to not only acknowledge it exists but also right the wrongs it produced.

I see this divergence around what’s