
You have to be a special kind of asshole to set up a charity for people you sent into a needless war. It’s like Vince McMahon offering rehab to his “employees” that got hooked on painkillers.

Why was this cross posted to Splinter?

I saw a Wakanda Forever shirt with the WuTang symbol at Ross over the weekend and now this.

Let swap meet fashion stay there.

Yall are wildin if you think Tyler The Creator is a top. He pulled up on Jaden in a ski mask and said “gimme your dick f****t.”

Lord this title. Maiysha Kai’s shade is slept on.

Even the Jezebel crowd is hip to VS being a women’s wear company for men. The Kardashians dressing up as their models for Halloween really hammers that home.

I hope Mitch McConnell dies before the next election so we can all live in peace. We had a Dem as President and Reid still let him steal our nomination because if Obama was headed out the door, he was too. Schumer still thinks this is the Bush administration for some reason where there was at least the illusion of

California is weird on spending. They went broke with nothing to show for it back in the 00's despite making up the majority of our country’s GDP. It seems that as of 2016, they’re realizing that maybe these insane taxes should actually pay for things that benefit people instead of our 9 millionth beautified section

Alcoholic drinks and sending nudes on a flight to Brazil?

Glad to see you diversifying your food tastes, Tomato.

The “old men are out of touch” analysis is juvenile

The article seems to imply that VS is losing customers because of the lack of inclusivity

Why would you call the win of somebody on your side a fluke?

Pelosi basically called Ocasio-Cortez’s win a fluke but go off. Dems who dislike her do so because she values her position in Congress more than defeating the Republican majority. Even after we took back the House she said that they can finally start working together with the Republicans. MLK wrote a letter in jail

This was probably why 2016 had such a big schism among Democrats. You had white interests colliding and PoC saying, “we are fucked if y’all don’t agree on something.”

I remember distinctly hating the “yall hear sum’n?” attitude of Clinton supporters and the “MLK would be disappointed in you” attitude of the Sanders

Call 911. I’ve been burned by this tea.

I look at it like this. If you have white males on your side and PoC voting for you because they have to, which is high key the Dem strategy since the 1980's anyway, you stand a pretty good chance of winning. Strategically, it was better odds than hoping affluent liberal white women and white gay men outnumbered their

I still believe he would have. Stuff like this is part of the reason. He energized people which is the same thing Trump did and obviously is still trying to play to that base. I mean if we’re gonna talk about lesser evils, the same applies to Bernie. There wasn’t any poll that didn’t show him winning.

With that said,

Acknowledging that police don’t go after white nationalists is only a few degrees removed from acknowledging that police might also be racist. For conservatives, police are doing their job as intended. For liberals who take pride in where they’re at in the social hierarchy, it’s analogous to a cheating husband that

They’ll continue to hang out with groupies like the Falwells.

Eric Swalwell must be thirsty to surpass John Kerry as the most forgettable candidate to go against a Republican demon. I live in CA and have never heard of him.