
Yes, Russia hasn’t been technically communist in probably 30 years but there’s definite irony in “patriots” defending puppets of the country that was synonymous with the Red Scare. It’s even more wacky when you think about how it was the first Bush that met with Gorbachev so Republicans being cozy with communists is

I cackled

I’ll give them this - at least trash men stick together.

The group that hates communists supports the political party being controlled by Russia. Like I seriously fucking hate people sometimes, LOL.

These dudes need their asses kicked and I hope nothing happens to her but hopefully this will shock Pelosi back to reality. The other side doesn’t understand civility and decorum and our side can’t afford any more violence and harmful legislation while she sits in her ivory tower eating cake.

Next season of Drag Race will have two white twinks as co-winners to teach these bitches.” - RuPaul

J/K (only a little)

Congrats to Pose. They’ve come for their things, recognition included.

Weird how foreign governments know how much turmoil and civil unrest there is concerning this country’s treatment of black people. Republicans are aware of it too and are using it to actively try and create dissent. Yet Democrats still can’t swallow their pride enough to fight for the people who will give them almost

Michael Cohen’s political affiliations are like a versatile bottom’s affinities: we know where you really stand when the time comes but it’s cute that you’re at least open to the idea.

The only question left to be asked is why Toni Collette isn’t a mainstream star. I think I can honestly say she makes everything she is in better. United States of Tara survived as long as it did solely because of her.

As for the monogamy debate, yawn. It always devolves into two camps: people clutching their pearls

You have to be seriously fucked in the head to be white and take offense to anti-white rhetoric. You can feel hurt and you can feel threatened but look around you. Everything literally exists to protect you and make sure you have what you need. There have never been any laws in probably the history of civilization

Exactly. It sounds too much like too many people I know. It’s practically verbatim for anyone still defending Kanye.

Exactly. They don’t want to be an interest piece if it means they end up in pieces.

I don’t understand. You mean providing a national outlet to people with violent rhetoric just for clicks and views means I might one day be their victim?

Well we have two Saudi government officials live from Mar-A-Lago to give their take.

I could have lived my life having never seen this

There’s thicc and then there’s John Candy in Spaceballs built


I legitimately think I argued with her in the comments the other day about Elizabeth Warren’s non-Nativeness.

“I’ll have you know my husband is a professional and looks white but he is Latino and I am very proud of that.”

Vaya con Dios, Rafael. I mean Ted.

Does this nightmare involve sitting on a toilet? Cuz Burger King wouldn’t need a lab to make that happen.

“You can’t say ‘Hey, if you look like me, or you’re this, you can use it but if you look like this, you can’t use it.’

It’s NBC. Will & Grace is the only bone they throw to the other side and even that is 50% straight and 100% white.