
That is a bit of a lose-lose situation. If she doesn’t talk about him, she’s ignoring the situation. Going on the defensive means stepping in shit. If only there were a third option...

“My husband became President almost thirty years ago. Our country has changed so much since then and so have our ways of thinking. I

A major difference is that you can still connect with your Jewish background and short of ancestry, you can still convert to Judaism. There’s also the social phenomenon of white-passing privilege among Jews not being mutually exclusive in regards to anti-semitism.

She had absolutely nothing to back up being Native

“thE seVeRiTy oF cOnSeQUeNceS is IrrELevAnT.” 

She can’t be blamed for her husband’s actions or the actions of other people she knows. You don’t take responsibility just by association. The Jezebel regulars hammer home these points to death (which are completely valid) but then are still willing to blame Monica Lewinsky for what Bill Clinton also chose to do. Do

Which honestly is so perfect. I am crying laughing thinking about how a year later, there would Trump supporters eating boogers on camera to prove they’re not ashamed. “Sensible” America would be so horrified that voters would pretend this whole Trump thing never happened and change the makeup of our government within

You’re on punishment.

If life were fair, Roundhouse Randy would have taken out this one instead of his other kin. Then we could be rid of them both.

Obama is American born though. He was asked to prove something that could disqualify his Presidency, based on a racist notion, and he shut it down to move onto more important things.

Warren proved she’s less Native American than previously thought. She did this during midterms where her seat wasn’t in danger. The

Dear Concern Troll,

If he were a woman, he’d be called a whore for going along with it and a bitch for not.

Dear Concern Troll,

When male objectification leads to rampant sexual assault, loss of job opportunities due to sexual harassment, death threats due to reporting possible sexual misconduct, disfigurement and death stemming from entitlement...and I could go on and on. You get the point.

This whole “men’s rights” thing

I’m gonna go on record as saying that some of the consistently worst sex I’ve had in my life has been with big dicked dudes. I can think of only one guy whose only move wasn’t jackhammer penetration.

New England personified

White supremacy existed before Hollywood i.e. Columbus, slavery, etc.

Sounds a bit hxtep to me

My aunt did it that way and it took her less than five minutes to run through a whole bulb. Immigrants from third worlds are real life MacGyvers.

Drake is about conquest. That’s why we hear nothing about his child’s mother but Rihanna is still in his mouth.

We need to find a solution that penalizes useless Democrats while also not allowing Republicans to take their spot. As it stands now, the outcome is hoping to have enough votes despite suppression/disenfranchisement or a loss. That is a defensive strategy and definitely not what got Obama elected.

When Republicans

Full stop.

I am tired of people defending their trash husbands and doubly so when they are infinitely more capable than them. All the dude has going for him is charisma and somehow managed to be a major liability for the Democratic party.

Think about it. An old white dude from the south, with a great economy, not

See this is what we’re not about to do

This pussy sweater brings a whole new meaning to the phrase, “drip.

I just wish people understood that right-leaning moderates in the Democratic Party are milestones, stop-gap measures, and means to an end. The goal is to get conservatives to vote with left leaning policy makers not provide moles and swing votes within the Left i.e. Manchin, Tester.

It seems like there’s a contingent