
I feel like the Obamas must put up with them in the same way they do with W. Barack and Michelle don’t hog the spotlight and when they show up, they make it about the issue at hand. They never pop up just to talk about themselves.

Now let’s not do “worse than Trump.” She might be problematic af but she never intends to do harm and at the very least, her donors/base would never encourage her to pass bigoted policies.

Maybe she can endorse Heidi Heitkamp?

I don’t know what’s worse - reading this or that Biden leads Harris by more than double in Democrat 2020 polls.

We are so getting four more years.

What’s not being understood?

Just like in the Don Lemon article, some of us remember who a person was, not just who they are at the moment.

Sounds like welfare and socialism to me

And yet she gave us “Anna Wintour.”

Azaelia doesn’t want us to understand her pain. She just wants to take it out on others.

That girl killed what looked like the inside of a Church’s freezer and still can’t even get radio play. The only curse she knows is the one she put on herself.

I wouldn’t use death but certainly discomfort upon the needy “no I don’t want to leave” types. One of my top five peeves. They almost always are the ones who want to control the driving/lodging too in hopes that people will have no choice but to participate. It’s like a baby who cries because it doesn’t understand

He seems to finally be coming around.

Talking about the Illuminati? Check.

Great. Our civil war had a Marvel after-credits scene where Hydra laid dormant in the north.

She needs to go watch “Roots”, touch up her roots, and read The Root.

Treating a nine year old as some hypersexual savage who can’t be controlled because of the color of his skin is straight out of the Emmett Till playbook. Using fear of police to terrorize him is despicable. She might not be a real cop but might as

Potato wedges? Why do other countries get better versions of American franchises?

WWE had no direct control over a guy killing himself and his family. They do, however, have complete control over the owner’s son-in-law and the Holy Hypocrite Kid fighting another retiree and literal mayor in a country they demonized on their programming for decades.

Sgt Slaughter had to be a Middle Eastern sympathizer to be a heel. Muhammad Hassan, the terrorist, was a heel. Saudi Arabia is where almost all of the 9/11 hijackers came from. McMahon would kill a family member for a buck.

This is the same company that put in place a Wellness Policy because of Benoit and Guerrero but only ever used it to their advantage. McMahon doesn’t know what ethics are and I’m not sure HHH has ever had integrity.

Great. Now they’re saying “white” like four year olds who just learned a swear word.

I fell out at “formal notification of grievance” though. I hate you Michael.

It’s especially indicative of him trying to escape blame when you think about how if our society were static, an Indian guy would never have his own critically acclaimed show on a streaming service.

Do you not remember Vader in Kuwait? Thankfully that went pretty smooth but I can imagine the Saudis wouldn’t be as forgiving.

Still, several DNC members told The Root few people want to talk about the allegations openly f0r fear of being seen as undermining the Me Too movement. Some declined to comment, calling it a “very touchy” subject. Even if the allegations are true, several of the members said, they do not warrant stripping Ellison of