
Inevitably some omnipotent impotent captain obvious in the greys will say “don’t sell drugs.

Don’t make selling drugs the only way someone can earn a living. Traponomics is not an elective in high school or a certificate program at a trade school. People choose to do it because the harsh realities associated with are

No it wouldn’t have been. Desert Storm and almost immediate taxation with nothing to show for it was not a good look. Clinton made a mess that the Dems are still trying to clean up but let’s not kid ourselves with false equivalency.

At this point they should be pushing people to vote and helping people to register to vote and getting them to actually vote. Bill Clinton’s popularity among look-the-other-way liberals is strong but it really hurts Hillary’s credibility.

Nestle has been telling residents of Flint, MI and farmers in Central CA to fuck off in regards to their water supply. I doubt they’re going to be transparent about another one of their cash cows. I know that’s darker than you wanted for a chocolate chip story but it’s probably the truth.

He’s also 47 years old

Katt Williams is FUNNY but it’s not a calculated funny. He’s just a crazy motherfucker who you laugh with until you realize he’s really that ignorant. He’s not playing a part.

Like a track off 2001

That Key and Peele skit is just gonna get more real as time goes on. Tyroil Smoochie Wallace still takes me out.

If only your history lesson used actual history.

If I hear about another “Seoul Food” I am gonna scream. Like it’s purposely named that to seem fantastical to white people who never wanted to go into racial/ethnic neighborhoods until they were gentrified. Y’all are marks. Choke on your kimchi greens.

So I rewatched “Sex & The City” the other night and biiiiitch. Miranda was a thirsty gentrifier.

I’ll never understand the people who acted like Trump winning was going to reset America. It just made sure we got more of the same (the real same), which was the fear to begin with.

However, I’m totally down to victim blame the Democrats because they’re not victims. With the exception of Harris and Lewis and Warren,

Ronnie and the City Girls got yall actin a mess.

The Hocus Pocus bitch really thought she did that. Sad.

complained about interest groups opposing Kavanaugh’s nomination from the beginning

Not gonna lie, that last paragraph made me tear up. It’s really gratifying to see a crooked cop taken down by an actual judge and jury, not the ones they believe themselves to be.

They did. Local officials said they’re willing to work with him on realistic solutions to the problem. They prefaced it that way because of what happened in Thailand.

I believe she does feel strongly about this but it reeks of performative protesting. I have yet to see a mugshot but have seen at least five different staged photos. Did you go there to protest or get seen?

I used to be an unabashed nerd but for real. It got real tiring having to deal with so many regressives who needed literally everything to be something they could live vicariously through and feel vindicated by. Non-straight white men don’t deserve that same feeling? I also got tired of non-straight white men who

Joe Manchin apparently thinks the blue wave is too dangerous and built us a breakwater. How considerate.