
I mainly meant the Tekken series. Jin has had the same animations and moves for almost a decade. Most of those characters have. They just change their clothes or give them a new move or two.

If you dont care about fighting games, I dont think youll ever understand this. People played Sf4 and MVC3 as much as people played CoD online. We got bang for our buck. Were not going to wait till we get a better version of it like we KNOW we are. Just like MOST people dont wait for GOTY versions for virtually EVERY

Will do.

Man, that was an awful game. The gameplay was awful and even Phil Hartman's voice couldnt save it.

Im actually one of the few who enjoyed Bioshock 2. I heard Minervas Den was really good. worth 5 bucks? And how long is it?

I think they call it "bandwagoning."

Damn, i said season 2. I obviously mean season 1. Unless im from the future...which im not...yet.

The last two episodes of season 2 of The Walking Dead really soured me on the show. Im not even going to bother to watch the second season til its on Netflix or whatever streaming program ill have in a year. I really thought it was that bad.

Thats what I paid about a month ago. It was worth it.

Sorry, but I have to save up my precious USB slots for other things.

Beating the shit out of street performers. FUCK YEAH.

These people did not have Unagi......

I was addicted to Red when i was a kid.I played it religiously...until I learned of the rare candy glitch. Then I just couldnt help using it. It pretty much ruined everything.

773 is a ridiculous amount of time to play only one game. Variety is the spice of life.

Naw, I pirate. Just sayin'.

Well while he was doing that, I spent 773 hours playing different games. Many of them, of better quality. Instead of just one.

Thats not meant for everyone, just for the few who care. Its no different than that lower right corner of your 360 game having the little logo of the developer. Same shit.

Its extremely bad in japanese games. All the females sound like 7 year olds. And if they get hit they scream like theyre getting raped in a hentai film. Ugh.

Its not stupid at all. If anything, its intelligent. I hate to say this, but even in the film and music industry, people care more about the actors and the singers. the people they can actually see and hear. Not the songwriters, composers, producers, directors, writers, etc.

Still waiting on Catherine. Still debating whether I should cancel my Deluxe edition. I want the tshirt, but I also want the 20 dollars im going to spend on this extra "crap." Decisions, decisions.