Heart Attack on a stick. And pokemon themed? Sign me up!
Heart Attack on a stick. And pokemon themed? Sign me up!
I give up. I’m not observant enough!
This is super sweet! I really want to get me a VR set now!
I wanted to buy some of these, but they were pretty pricey. About on par for variant covers though.
These are all freaking awesome! I would love to get some prints of these.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen something impressive constructed in Minecraft. This is way too intricate to not be impressed.
Watching all these videos of crazy rockets in this game makes me want to buy it. Guess I’ll just have to wait for the next Steam sale!
Hopefully they announce a new project. Or if they just badmouth their former employer, that’ll be fun too.
I don’t have any tattoos, but the ugly part might apply to me! Now to go change jobs :’(
Doing one habit at a time is probably my problem. I just get too overwhelmed with trying to do everything at once.
Really sweet costumes! I’d have never known they were fan made if you hadn’t said anything!
This is crazy! It’s about the size of a Titan too! So cool!
I think these React videos are not that funny, but copyrighting a genre is a really low thing to do. All this backlash is well deserved in my opinion.
I’m seeing tons of cool tests done with Unreal 4 and that’s awesome. But what I want to see is something complete and playable to the end. That would be more awesome. If I could do it, I would, haha.
I need to get back on on that game. I’ve heard the recent update really changes things up.
Aw yeah! My rig can handle it! 60 FPS and 1080p here I come!
I love the Dark Knight look. I always drew that parallel between the two characters anyway.
I’m super excited to see that electric cars may become more common soon. Anything to help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels!
I don’t really like anime. I really like this show. That’s all I have to say about that.
This is perfect. I love me some Fallout and Saitama!