Vince-The Roadside Mechanic

It looks like a Fox body Mustang.

Crap, a bug flew in my eye and now it is all watery. Don't say it is crying because I don't cry.

No you put a cigar in there.

That would be great but Kia is too conservative they would never do something that crazy.

I want the trickster but I will forgive Kia if I get the Stinger.

It seemed that a modern 510 was too good to be true...I guess it is.

I am down for that.

All of it.

Best article ever.

Yes but what do you think of my idea of rear stow n go.

Acceleration? and what about a rear facing seat right behind the front ones for passengers but the seat Stow and Goes into the floor? Also Opinion as Chevy rebadging it as the city express.

Well it is Mad Max time. I am going to rob some petrol stations and head to the desert after stealing a 240z and a tanker truck with plenty of petrol. I also need a shot gun and a flare gun.

Again Jalopnik makes sense and Jezebel is crazy.

Torch, you should compile all your great ideas like this into a list so I can outfit them to a test car to see if they are viable for production.

I like the idea. I would like to outfit it to a lowered truck to be a complete opposite.

Good, Your raising him right.

Can he identify cars yet?

You are a great father for taking your son to see these droids.

Would a small engines blog impress you?

Racing is racing it doesn't matter what you race, how you race, or the event. RACING IS RACING. Some people don't get it. They are always saying Nascar isn't racing or that Lemons is what white trash does in their spare time. I say No, It is racing.