Vince Jester

The stalking schtick is a red herring. Every movie uses the attraction differential. It is film making 101. It is another refernce in RP1. Ever see “Say Anything” or Pretty in Pink”? Not all the 80's call outs are animated. I think alot of people who suck at trivia games are wooried that Trivial Pursuit will become

The references are just props. They are a part of the setting. They show you the space the action takes place in. In this case, the action takes place in the framework of a world overpopulated with antiquated cultural symbols and icons. The best sci fi tells stories about here and now, in the wrappings of another

Nerd steal yer girlfriend? They do that now.

Heh heh. You aren’t clever enuff to hang with the nerds. Now yer bitter.

And that would be a fair summation of pop culture for the past decade, wouldn’t it? Pretty much everything that’s come out in ten years has been derivitive, unimaginitive garbage. Of course people like to look back on a time when there was imagination and wonder.

Every trivial pursuit loser says that exact thing. “Trivia is stoopid!” as they upend the table. Nostalgia is absolutely neutral. If you don’t get it, just walk away and leave it alone.

What are the Ws and Ls you are yammering on about? BP was a great film. WiT is not a good film. WiT source material sucks. If it had not been stunt cast there would be no conversation here. Make good, better yet, GREAT movie, and they will succeed. Make crapfests, and they will fail. There is no racial component to

Yeah, and when yer scribbling out the next US constitution, the other founding fathers will mock you if you hold the quill wrong. Go to bed, old man!

With Get Out, Bp and all, isn’t whining about not being in movies already released kind of...lame? Black artists are making movies. They are being released. And good movies are being awarded with box office and critical approval. Quit begging to be carried over the finish line on the backs of the people you despise.

You get out there and do that, pal. Write up those properties, get screenplays put together, and produce this stuff! I loved BP. If yer stuff is any good, I’ll love that too. Maybe always begging someone of talent to carry you across the finish line isn’t the way to go about this. It kind of makes you look weak and

If you eat two pounds of it a day.

The coffee and licquor industry have destroyed the tobacco industry. Now they are hitting the nicotine industry. Remember when the excuse for inhibiting our rights was that tobacco smoke contained carcinogens, and non smokers were effected? What harm is vaping doing non vapors (except for looking pretty stoopid)? Are

So, you wanna replace somebody else’s list of stoopid non issues with yer own list of stoopid non issues?

So, you treat yer 15 yr old like an 8 year old? No wonder he has the will power of an infant. Did you nurse him in the principal’s office?

Pearl clutching at its very finest. No tars or vegetal smoke. Nicotine is a minor buzz that kids have been “doing” for a hundred years. It would suck to just tell yer kid that nicotine is bad for them, and let them find that out for themselves when they ignore you? Yer snowflakes are gonna be just fine.

Killmonger is just another punk who took the way of crime and violence. He could have done like almost every other in his circumstances has done, and educated himself and made a home and a family where he was, instead of being a crying, violent child and killing. So juvenile and unrepentant, he mocks those he kills by

It is a monarchy. There is just an obscure rule to disoute the crown. The War of the Roses was all about that very thing.

Duality. BP on the surface looks to be about an Afrotopian nation that refuses to use its immense resources to help the larger world. In reality, only one nation has ever had as large a technological advantage over every other nation on the planet. The USA is Wakanda. T’Challa is a mythic hero who leads his nation to

Coogler is also a part of American culture much more deeply than anything of Africa. I find that many of the Wakandan crowd scenes are even more sloppy than the much hated Johnny Weisemiller Tarzan movies, that used “documentary” footage to represent ceremonial settings in African cultures. We say that The film

T’Challa and Killmonger do not reall yvisit some plane of heaven. They are Revisiting their own versions of received history. The film is a deconstruction of Current American politics as much as anything else. Killmonger is Trump, or any firebrand right wing nut job seeking power. His version of history is that the