Good luck finding a twenty something that shows up for work often enuff to complete such an assignment.
Good luck finding a twenty something that shows up for work often enuff to complete such an assignment.
Are we pretending that “woke” and “bae” aren’t the “radical” and “extreme” of this generation?
Of the Star Trek shows, DS9 MAY have been the best Babylon 5. It was not very good Star Trek, tho.
Obama put his feet on the desk in the oval office. He didn’t wear a US flag pin to a social event. He wore a BIEGE suit at a presser. THEY ARE ALL EXACTLY THE SAME!!!!!!!!!
easy peasy is from the fifties. “Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy” like Winner winner, chicken dinner”.
In ‘86 or so, I worked at a CD rental place. We rented out CD players and sold cassettes, so you could bootleg all the new CDs.
In most arcades I was in, it started out a buck a throw. Yer dollar got you about 30 seconds of game play until you were 40 or 50 bucks in. That game sucked. I wanted the theatrical movie instead.
google is yer friend.
Not even close. BP looks like they spent a lot of time studying African design and visual arts.
So just do LotR in black face? OK then.
PoC isn’t really good enuff to dover yer complaint tho. An American PoC doesn’t have any more clue about African cultures than some white history professor might. You need African people, from an African viewpoint to actually get any authentic take on an African fantasy setting. As an illustrative parallel, Ask any…
Stop using the term “white”it gets the hoi-polio all stirred up. The acceptable term is “western” or “Euro”.
OK! Super! now tell us how it SHOULD have been done. Get together all the African game developers (not just the African_Americans, who are just as westerncentric as European-Americans) and have them put together a game setting and campaign. I would play the Hell out of that thing. I don’t do kick-starters, but I bet…
Yup, one of the brightest, most celebrated film makers in the world needs you to tell him what his movie is about.
Novel. Do Androids... is a novel.
Or he could just nag and nag and wonder why nobody cares what he has to say.
So, I wasted four minutes reading this to find out that the word “female” triggers you? Yer so cute!
Screamers, The Third Variety.
Its not economics in Dick. Its philosophy and religion. Man is creating life. Not workers, or slaves. Life is its own purpose. Perhaps the replicants will outlast us? perhaps they will tell us we are good, and special? Maybe we made replicants for the same reason we have babies? Its Dick.
“If watching it makes people stop watching, its the LAST episode”