And what the Heck is “contouring” Is ther a special tool for that? It sounds like something from carpentry.
And what the Heck is “contouring” Is ther a special tool for that? It sounds like something from carpentry.
What is ahashtag? Does it mean something? Is it connected to something? Or is it just a way to mock social media people? As a taunt, it seems on point.
Scaramouche will be the first to bow before our new robot overlords, come the revolution.
Its not his career move that makes him a douche. Its that cowl neck thingie he is wearing that makes him a douche.
And then, Parker could like, undo her bra, and like then some really smooth Chillax music could come on, and then...
Just stop going to Marvel movies. I for one, am sick of this stoopid belly aching. If you whiners boycotted every Marvel movie, from now on, you know what would happen? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Marvel would still be printing money, and we wouldn’t have yer nagging to bother us. When a company starts making movies…
FFS!!! You people are the worst! There is nothing that will pleeze you whining lil’ beyotches. Just go out and make yer own dang movies already. Spider-Man was a lot more fun than yer ridiculous feminist yawn fest WW. The diversity problem here is that you all can’t see anything but diversity problems everywhere you…
They’ll just go home. Nobody is From Florida.
The really awesome thing about these lowbrow sites is that it is impossible to tell really good trolls from really stoopid pendants. I’m guessing the trolls have catchy and witty user names, and the stoopid people just have random strings of characters.
That’s cool, snowflake. Would yer opinion be that somehow, millennials are the smart ones? I guess if that keeps you going. Pats j4x on the head and hands him a finger spinner.
I thought the red meant bad?
How dare those free spirited artists not draw women as lumpy toads that you can really relate to, and not write stories about having to feed the cats tuna because WW is too lazy to put on clothes and go buy cat food. Please, make my comics with an extra serving of “reality”, and a side of ugly!
Then she was doing it wrong.
That’s right, Lovey. Every movie should be a Wes Anderson movie, and we should all be happy about it!
Similar effects had been earlier employed, but with “The Matrix” the hardware and software experienced significant improvement and standardization. The film makers freely and eagerly acknowledged the influences.
Or Supergirl, or Electra, or Kickass 2.
Its not a movie... Its a religion. Certain people are worshipping this movie. Others are trying to deflate its pompous acolytes. What’ll they do if it tanks? hopefully make another one, and try to make it better.
Finally, an honest review.
Half serious here. It would be A-OK if they were “TRANSGENDER-Dragon-GIRLS” tho, right?
This anime looks Terrific! 2 thumbs up! It’s wonderful to see the fans really get into their favorite show and characters! I hope it shows up on Netflix soon! Thanks for turning us on to this awesome program!!!!!