
They don't go after the "perp" because they are almost always judgement proof, i.e., no assets. Consider the serious injuries that can result from chasing criminals, I'd say, let's have the car for, they can catch them later. That why they have radios!

Actually, governmental immunity exists in all states and federal jurisdictions. Neither polic nor governmental entities can be sued for acts of criminals. In some cases failure to promptly respond or failure to respond appropriately to an emergency call cand be litigated, but depends on circumstances. Frankly most

had same experience with old Brit cars, except usually I'd really need a wrecker.

having had Brits, and spending untold hours working on them, I now prefer to drive. MB SL500.

Having been involved with workers comp and safety/loss prevention for over 40 years, I heartily concur with comments about culture and people. Many companies have a "safety culture" where employee safety is paramount, others don't and in the long run these companies and their workers suffer needless injuries, lost

I would add all the old Brit cars; we have a fellowship of suffering through rust, Lucas wiring, and cheap construction. Through it all, we still get grins from going through a twisty bit of road. We have to be nice because you never know when you'll need a friend for a ride home.

I bought an 03 SL 500 R last year. This car went for over $100K when new. I paid $20k and can now put my butt in the seat of a super car. Of course when the "check engine" light comes up, I have to change my underwear, but so far the smiles outweigh the groans.

It's possible that after years of Discovery, an MSJ will be filed, but I'd have a better chance of being elected Pope than finding a CA judge who would grant that motion!

Sadly, the rule is someone's been hurt and all the deep pockets must pay. Welcome to the land of litigation.

The dealer is legally liable for the "actual cash value" of the vehicle. Unfortunately we car junkies understand the difference between a pristine example and a used car, but the law won't. The owners best bet is to go through his collision insurer. They will have higher standard of value the. The dealer's GL insurer.

A few mean-spirited, narrow minded people, coming up with a plan to punish Detroit ( and other cities) by squeezing the joy out of life. Hopefully common sense will prevail.

Most of the items mentioned, USB ports and such don't add much cost. ABS, traction control, stability controls should be required for most drivers, especially that group with little or no driving skills. The price of cars may be going up, but that doesn't seem to be slowing people down in buying new cars.

Yes, you're right, BUT, two problems , first, as you see by the various rants already on Jalopnik, there is virtually no chance that Congress or the various states will pass a gas tax increase.  Second, gas tax, like sales tax are massively regressive, meaning they hurt the working middle class more than those able to