
what happened, she didn’t show you a nipple when you tipped 50 cents? sad.

twitch people being horrible, what else is new

he came from an abusive home.

remember “squeezable boobs”?

a friend of mine REFUSES to use ANY mod, with any game

hey I used to watch these guys! cool videos, specially with the stunt guys

you should know that any of those non-avatar commenters are just trolls..

I understood nothing.

hopefully hanging 

ahh yes, first world problems

she’ll eventually release a teary eyed apology video and all will be forgotten..

it’s the US. mostly the US.

erratic means drugs, right?

ever heard of Alice Diop?

some site (can’t remember which one) made a whole article about a player who made a “george costanza” preset

bethesda shills are insufferable

in true bethesda fashion, the good stuff is in sidequests and DLCs


Snyder army of bots getting ready to give this movie all the likes, thumb-up’s, little hearts and green arrows it can get

wait a minute.. RTX.. ray.. mod.. HL2.. the