
You sound like a fun, emotionally stable person who has an amazing social life. Do you have a newsletter I can subscribe to; or a web site with nuggets of wisdom, advice and other delightful bon mots that one can use to brighten one's day? A place that would surely put a spring in my step and a song in my heart?

If the goals of this current version of PC (as opposed to the 90's version of PC, which attempted to expand the corpus of collegiate scholastic curriculum to include other, marginalized voices) is so arcane and byzantine that: 1) the layperson who is unfamiliar with these theories can't wrap their heads around what

I was bored and finally got around to the shit sandwich that was the 1998 version of Godzilla. What made it slightly more tolerable was pretending that Hank Azaria's character was Moe Sizlack.

I agree! Everything on television or in film or any other media should cater exclusively to Joyless Clucking Scolds. Every "joke" or any other bit of dialogue should be gamed out a thousand times (at least) to anticipate any errant traversement over an arbitrary minefield of non-obvious eggshells that might induce

God only knows what your nightmarish dystopian hellscape of "in touch" is.

I kind of regret never reading his 2007 book "The Assault on Reason." He wasn't exactly wrong on that one. Exhibit A-L: All of the drooling, inarticulate spittle-flecked imbecilic ramblings of the severely brain damaged flat earther science hating climate denialists that have been compelled to chime in on this

Sheeple z wake e uppded loominarty Confrimed Im so angry it hurts my head an d LL makse my eyes rain

avoid indictment on Crimes Against Humanity

Al Goer's AWG can't fuel steel melts!!11!1!! Sheep Up Wakle!! Loominarty Confrimed!!1! 711 was a job inside!!!1!1

Drink a bottle of lye immediately.

He's like a cross between Martin Shkreli and Nathan Thurm, minus 85 IQ points

Also, Unfathomable Pinheadery is now firmly established in my lexicon!

Minor point of annoyance: I don't know why The AV Club is giving JoBlo's YouTube page clicks, with the resultant JoBlo nags and ads. Why not just post the direct source, ie FX's page (and thanks to card below for posting the direct YouTube link). Is JoBlo (damn I hate that name) owned by the same media group or

Some enterprising youngster made a Matrix: Dezionized edit and put it up on the torrentsphere years ago. I never got around to watching it, but I have it in the archives somewhere.

That was a common discussion about the Matrix Universe, ie. If they needed biothermal heat, why not keep cows in the pods instead of humans?

As one of the 5 people who played The Matrix Online (from Beta in 2004 until the servers closed in 2009), I was pretty psyched to see this in EW of all places. For someone who never played the game, the author has a pretty good grasp of the complexity of the game (story-wise). I posted some thoughts on the Disqus

That movie is a GREAT gem from the mid 90's that I remember being pretty insane when it migrated to premium cable a year or two later. I just revisited it a few weeks ago for the first time since then and it really holds up. Witherspoon is an absolute tour de force.

All of 3.6 billion of us all going to commit seppuku tomorrow, so chin up!

Defeat the Hun Menace today!

Except Dennis Leary, because he's a crime lord, for some reason. Shamrocks & Shenanigans!