
WoW Drama.

she? it’s a he.

IMO,there are only two genders, the rest are mental disorders. But that’s none of my business.

No, I’m a doctor who knows that science doesn’t give a damn about what is PC; it only cares about facts. And the fact is, unless you have ovotesticular DSD, Klinefelter’s, congenital adrenal hyperplasia with XX genotype, complete androgen insensitivity with XY genotype, or 5-alpha reductase deficiency with XY genotype

Obama has always been a conniving opportunistic person.

Exactly! Bradley is and always will be a male

This seems like a personal blog and linking to your own twitter is laughable and lame

Well yeah, fuck POC for trying to have a legitimate discussion on things that affect their everyday lives.

“Who in the hell is this Democrat-come-lately to scold Democrats on all they’ve done wrong?”

I’m sure all the people knocked out in the knockout game would love to hear that it was just a republican scare tactic, no harm done.

Is this #whitelivesmatter or #disabledlivesmatter?

If I refused to work for people I hate, I’d be unemployable.

They are contracted employees. I assume adult women know to read contracts before signing and agreeing to the terms. I won’t insult them by clutching my pearls that they have to adhere to their contracts.

Streamer Faces The Challenges Of Coming Out As Transgender On Twitch

By the way, if you think this “constant ragging” on Donald Trump is fun, I assure you it is not. Please make it stop.

Anti-GMO, Anti-Vax and naturalistic, homoeopathy, crystal, chakra, and chiropractors all lean liberal. I am tired of the argument that fake news problem is right wing. Fake news problem is only so big because the left wing was also complicit in its propagation. Scientific consensus for global warming is 87%, for GMO

I dunno, this looks like an opportunity for people to also disrupt real news when they don’t like what’s being reported...

In the spirit of equality... WHEN WILL THE CULTURE APPROPRIATION END!1

Read same. He’s smart enough to know that you do have to spend (outrageous) amounts of money for defense, national infrastructure, etc. But he seems to want to crack down on the excess spending that’s going on, the whole deal that leads to Pentagon toilets costing $1500 each sort of nonsense.

Because MOBAs are TRASH.