
Thanks :) So yes, 27.8% of rapes are committed by about 6% of the population - black males.

and basketball

I’d assume your penis must be at least a quarter of an inch longer than when you started. A good use of your time.

In fact, as a fun exercise to the readers here, go check up on the racial statistics for rape. Let me know what you come up with.

Dammit stop with your facts - you are going to be causing folks to seek safe places soon.

Bingo, but let us never speak of this on Gawker. I mean white guys, amirite?

Hoisted by your own liberalism. Had this happened in some redneck state like Tennessee that guy would be looking at mandatory 15 years. In California though - ya know rights, feelings blah, blah.

You don’t die, you Reboot !

All good except you should be using bacon fat. Vegetable oil is for wusses.

The list was built to make sure it included a few jobs that women do.

Why would you develop an app like this for iOS? It was guaranteed they would shut it down. Make an Android version - nobody cares.

Bernie is not going to concede - he is going to fuck Hillary’s chances of winning. His voters will just stay home.

Absolutely and provably wrong.

It’s not white privilege, it’s money privilege - hence OJ Simpson and Bill Cosby. Doesn’t matter what color you are, if you got the bucks you can walk.

How is bragging about 20 years of pot smoking moderation exactly?

I really hate OS/X. I can’t put my finger on why exactly, it’s just a bunch of little things that seem overly complicated I guess.

The question to answer honestly is could you stop the pot for a couple weeks? Yoga, Starbucks, even a drink at the end of the day unless you are alcoholic can be easily stopped.

The beauty of self-employment :)

The beauty of self-employment :)

I like the way you think and I will subscribe to your newsletter.

How often do you do that and it almost always turns out to be an immigrant of some sort. Something is wrong with your thought process. And there are never reprisals lol.