
Black guy who wants to be NBA player - check

You tube fans are like twitter followers.

My first wife sort of taught me to drive stick. Every time I did exactly what she said the car would stall. I finally said you do it and I will watch. Turns out what she was actually doing was completely different from what she thought she was doing.

What’s with the penis in the background?

Was this co-authored by M. Night Shamalamadingdong? Obvious twist was obvious and I can’t take any more beating from the morality hammer.

Watch all this bull dry up if the shit ever hits the fan ( war, large scale disaster ). Then suddenly it will be the men who have to do the heavy lifting again. First world problems indeed.

Yes, he is a moron who sees everything as an insult to blacks.

So we can expect bloated, stilted prose from someone who thinks he is smarter than he actually is. Of course “Emperor’s New Clothes” effect will be at full power but this will truly suck.

How many times does this guy have to fuck up before you liberals stop making excuses for him? He is an out of touch douche who should not be doling out advice to anyone.

Yes he is better off as a wussy beta male white knight.

Good luck with that fine. Cheaper for VW to just say fuck it and pull up all of their US factories and jobs.

It can also lead to the worst sort of in game snobbery :)

I see the classic MMO class of “Rouge” in the background there.

Like the kid actually came up with this sign himself lol. His hipster parents are using him as a propaganda tool.

So you’re ready to give up your first world life style so everyone can share? Better shut off your PC right now in preparation.

The same way Sweden takes about 100 000. Find places for them to stay, feed them, and then do an investigation into who they are and if they should be awarded refugee status.

That’s a leap in logic. Really most are not fighting to become parents but are fighting to assert their rights as homosexuals.

The best thing to come out of these articles is the revealing of liberal “tolerance” in the comments. The sheer venom and vile name calling that occurs just because someone dares to have a differing opinion is pretty darned ironic.

What the hell has financially ready got to do with anything? Will they be decent parents?