
CPFM is an artist-owned fashion brand that both Pharrell and Kanye have worked with. Not knowing who they are and then being so proud of not knowing who they are that you take to comment sections to brag about not knowing who they are is some real boomer shiat dude.

These men you speak of are bad enough on their own, but why in the fark did you just casually throw in names of people who haven’t even had a hint of an infidelity’s scandal like Obama and Reynolds? What the heck did Obama ever do to you? Are you one of those people who think every single man on the planet is a

So let me understand this, they’ve put out two massive updates to address issues, neither of which hit the Switch. So the Switch still has the same day-1 problems. It’s about time I demand a refund. 

I really dig digital games and movies. In what seems like eons ago, I had a giant bookshelf occupying massive space in my living room with 100's of movies and games on it. My life is way less cluttered these days. I will still by an occasional physical disc or movie if it’s a special edition or something.

I leveled my Island just before the start of 2.0 and storaged everything in preparation. I’ve been playing constantly since 2.0 was released and am loving all the new content and whatnot. I have not even begun to dive into the DLC yet, I was going to wait till I’ve explored all the new content 2.0 has to offer. This

Look up “State Federal Dependency”. The money Cali gets for forest fires is already theirs. For every $1 they pay in taxes, they get $0.75 back. They pay way more to the gov’t then they get. They are 32nd out of 50 states. IIRC, New Mexico is the most dependent. For every $1 they put in they get $3.66 back. Now stop

I’ve never seen a mainstream gaming site promote piracy before. This will not end well for you.

The principle of Occam’s Razor tells me that yes, the fiancé is probably responsible. I’d put it at like 99%.

However, If my wife and I were camping, and had the police called on us for a domestic dispute, and then a few days later she killed herself, or fell off a cliff, or got eaten by a bear or something, I too

Awe, bless your heart, blaming it on the Clintons when it could have been any number of the 400 high powered associates of Epstein including the entire Trump clan... how quaint. 

If you google search for her in that “costume” you will find almost no 2 pictures look alike. Soooo many news outlets applied filters to the pic and made the makeup way lighter then it really was, as if that somehow makes it better. SMH

It does seem that they’re are multiple causes for the drift, which I find odd. You’d think it would just be one defect. I’ve gotten lucky. I discovered what fixes mine is simply powering off the Switch and controllers for a few moments and rebooting the whole thing and then I’m good to go for 2 weeks to a month before

I can enjoy watching most racing circuits, except nascar. Their fans are nauseating. All they do is drive in circles, and it’s not precision driving by any means, they are constantly hitting each other.  I’d rather watch talented drivers who are capable of being within inches of each other at break neck speeds and not

There needs to be more articles like this. We all need to be sharing our feelings to truly get past this. We have got to start talking to each other instead of staying bottled up. My life has been a roller coaster of emotion since Mar 2020. I’ve even sought out therapy. I know there are millions of others who need to

There are entire business’s set up around customizing shoes, especially Nike. Just drop by sneaker con sometime. Nike has never had a problem with this before. I understand it is their right to sue, however, is this going to open up the floodgates? Are they now going to have to shut down every customizer? If they

Um, I’m not a Nascar fan, I prefer F1. I think Nascar is a sloppy brand of motorsport, but that being said I casually pay attention to the headlines cause I still respect the hell out of any racecar driver, and even as casually as I follow it, I know they’ve addressed all those issues you’re complaining about.

Not gonna lie, Big-K makes some damn fine sodas, Orange and Grape come to mind. They also make a few flavors I can’t find in any other brand, like grapefruit. Big-K isn’t the bottom of the barrel soda those who haven’t experienced it think it is. 

Um yeah, trying to blame societies ill’s on Gen X is absurd. We are the smallest generation of the past 150 years. The wind gets sucked out of the room by the giant generations of the boomers and millennials. We don’t have much say in virtually anything. But we did bring internet usage to the masses. So really, Rich

Here in my town, a hero of 9/11, the same guy that Nic Cage 9/11 movie was based on, lost his home after they basically built him a mansion in the middle of lower-class neighborhood and he couldn’t afford the prop taxes. The house is now a business, cause nobody could afford to own it as a house in the neighborhood

You nailed it. It HAS to be a predatory loan company. I’m in the home business, and the only thing that can affect your monthly payment is a variable interest rate, and interest rates haven’t risen anywhere near the ballpark of 400%. That is ludacris. Property taxes is another beast all together, but if her actual

“without their consent”. Therein lies the grey area. Every woman Louis did this in front of, he asked. If they said no, he didn’t do it. The women who accused him of wrong doing admitted they said yes, thinking it was a joke. From Louis’s point of view, he DID have consent. He couldn’t have known some women thought it