I fucking hate kids, man. Kids are stupid. Been saying this since I was one.
I fucking hate kids, man. Kids are stupid. Been saying this since I was one.
Faux concern troll gets dismissed, needs to update resume.
Troll replies get dismissed.
Troll says trollish lies to get troll reaction, relishes in troll attention.
First off, you’ve now disproved your original point: There’s apparently neither blatant favoritism of blacks or blatant favoritism of women on this site if commentors can switch gears like that.
I don’t seek out echo chambers.
It’s always interesting to see the dull motherfuckers who constantly seem to forget where they are.
No. What actually matters is right now and in the indefinite American past, “Innocent until proven guilty” has never applied to Black people.
“Innocent until proven guilty; regardless of your occupation or the color of your skin.”
As a white person, this is what’s interesting to me (in the larger picture), that people LITERALLY have little or no empathy when it’s not a white person. http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2013/06/racial_empathy_gap_people_don_t_perceive_pain_in_other_races.html
Race is only a problem in this country to those who make it an issue. Namely those who can benefit from it by trying to find ways that they can make any incident have a racial lean to it.
The demographics of the area are well known and public. It’s predominantly non-white. But keep thinking race doesn’t affect policing, facts and the experiences of blacks haven’t touched your ignorance yet anyways.
“Race is only a problem in this country to those who make it an issue. Namely those who can benefit from it by trying to find ways that they can make any incident have a racial lean to it.”
Pictures of both parties should be furnished as they look today. That’s called ethical journalism.
Clearly you just boxed one section and ignored the top part of my original comment
You came in here to blindly defend the murder of a child by the police, apparently without even reading the fucking report first. Fuck you.
Purposefully obtuse, racist whites don’t have empathy, so that’s never going to happen.
Let me guess: you’re white.
“Race is only a problem in this country to those who make it an issue.”
Fuck every last “law enforcement officer.” The biggest sham in this country. The only things they “protect and serve” are white people and white supremacy. Fuck them all to hell. I don’t care if your dad, uncle, brother, sister, mother is one of the “good ones,” they’re all complicit in this charade.