
What little I’ve been able to find that’s hers and not just her gallery does not look good or does not seem to display any particular technical skills.

Didn’t he take the lead in season 2? He’s attracted to Max but still a boy, and struggles to articulate what’s happening, along with having most vehemently attacked Mike for pairing off with 11.  Or was that season 3? I thought he had more interesting character development than say Mike, who has learnt that 11 isn't

Non main character doesn't get main character treatment, shocker. These kids are nerds, they like nerd stuff. Arcades, D&D, most likely comics, sciences, av club, etc.... Stop with the ridiculous reaching and looking for a problem that isn't there. 

Of the boys his age he gets the most nuanced, involved arc in S4 by a long shot.  That’s not saying much, because those guys mostly have fairly flat arcs in S4, but as you note, he deals with the complexity of varied social circles and also shows a lot of emotional maturity when dealing with Max.

Who needs hacky jokes from old farts like Ricky Gervais and Dave Chappelle to satirize “wokeness” when we can rely on Jezebel and the Root to periodically give us insane little nuggets like this article?

That’s carried all the way into season 4. He was a member of the Hellfire Club and only dropped out of the last DnD game (his sister was recruited to sub for him) because of the basketball tournament. Arguably, his interest in DnD and basketball make him a more rounded character than his other friends. Also, arguably

I mean, season 1 established that at least one of his hobbies/interests is playing Dungeons & Dragons.  Or does that not count as a hobby?

Not every diversity depiction needs to scream it’s identity from the rooftops.  Normalized = not calling attention to it.  The Black characters in this show are not the main characters. The little girl was a breakout hit and was written more into the show than she otherwise would’ve been. And criticizing a show based


We’re not lucky enough for him to have a stroke.  We’re in the bad place. 

Yep, she all of sudden is totally ‘checked out’ despite being literal inches from you on the day and having to yell in your face to do something.

This seems lacking in context about her character, who even in her brief time this season was interestingly layered--certainly more than her insufferable jock boyfriend realized. 

Except she wasn’t a ditzy blonde. They made her very sweet and likeable and even faked us out with a possible Odd Couple pairing with the D&D guy. 

I appreciate the clarification! I wrote and rewrote that comment like four times and it stopped making sense to me so I just had to post--what I wanted to and failed to communicate was that I’ve just seen a LOT of people misgendering them kind of out of spite. “They’re such a shitty person they don’t deserve using

Releasing The Flash as is is becoming more and more problematic for DC/Warner by the minute. I don’t know how you market your superhero movie with a lead who not only randomly assaults people (bad enough), but is now also revealed to be a predator?

You’re right, I did not remember that. I’d edit it if I could. For the record, however, my forgetting that was not an attempt to “tear them down” for being non binary. Just an honest mistake.


Holy, way to bury the lede on that Ezra Miller story. The more I hear about this guy, the worse of a person he appears to be. I think we’ll see the Flash movie come out, since there’s already so much money and time invested in it, but I expect he won’t continue in the role after that.

You have my wife’s attention and she only watches horror movies.

Gives me a great idea for a horror flick.