I am that generation and either the writers are younger than that or they're just beating their own drum cause I miss the old guard too.
Okay hear me out. The website has deminished beyond repair (I used to read at least one article a day, now ther new articles aren’t daily and there’s rarely even one a week that interests me) but this review of interview with a vampire is *not* the hill to die on or the subject to rage quit for.
The key thing is to get a white person to throw the coctail, if I were closer, I would do it myself.
*Channel 4.
“How exactly did this man woo three different women into bed, when he can hardly string a sentence together without appearing as if he’s trying to pass a kidney stone?”
I'm sad that she looks sad
Im fairly sure they’re just against the breeding and captivity of animals by humans in all forms.
I always think the really scary thing is few if any care home workers, home carers, and personal assistants really *wanted* that job.
Yes I wasn’t disparaging all nurses, simply stating there are different kinds of nurses; from the smart ones who got good grades and probably could have been doctors but genuinely wanted to be nurses to that girl who was mean to a lot of people in high school, thought she was better than you, tried out beauty school,…
The problem is at least in part that people assume nurses are smart and have a strong drive to care.
Surely, surely a couple of holes for a curtain rod would be fair wear and tear?
I've been in array of MRI machines (the department has been moving buildings so its almost like a different machine each time) and I can vouch that some of them make noises that are neither rythmic nor mediative so much as they are extremely aggressive and vaguely alarming 😆
I understand your sentiment but really hope you dont mean... *Any* time they are injured? Like you’d fix a broken leg right? Even an amputation? I’ve known many a tripod cat who was loving their life...
The things ive reported that are somehow within the community standards make me assume that Facebook doesn’t understand the words community, or standards.
Right? unless someone died in suspicious circumstances and might need to be dug back up, there is *literally* no point of enbalming someone? Youre just poisoning a patch of ground and fiddling around with someones body for.... what? If you want open casket just have a faster funeral?
I thought it was porn initially then I saw the date and realised no, its just the 70s.