I’ve said this elsewhere but a dislike of lil Nas X doesnt equal homophobia without further evidence of such. SShe might just be religious. It's not her fault large numbers of americans are genuinely worried about Satan 😂
I’ve said this elsewhere but a dislike of lil Nas X doesnt equal homophobia without further evidence of such. SShe might just be religious. It's not her fault large numbers of americans are genuinely worried about Satan 😂
I agree in concept, *but* mind some people are actually religious and actually think he’s being a bit satanic, so a specific dislike of Lil Nas X doesnt have to translate into full blown homophobia.
to be fair though, she would have been what, 15? At the time of this tweet?
I honestly think it would be nice if someone assasinated him, given this utter failure of justice it seems the only reasonable option remaining.
Eh, someone is literally raped and beaten? Is that pearl clutching? Really?
Not quite always true. I’ve had a dress or two that looked really weird on the model but I thought I’d try them anyway because I liked the pattern...
I’ve actually never seen a photo of young dolly parton and I can’t quite process this properly
So, sadly the range has recently been cut down (hah) but in the ready-meal area I really would recommend Iceland’s “Gino” range. The caneloni is goooood and my bf says the lasagna is goooood (I’m veggie so haven’t tried it). The pizzas were amazing but they stopped making them :’(
Sometimes I wonder if it's bad choices on the part of m&s or its just that the average human is far more beige than I could possibly imagine and people actually *like* bland practicalities
Very briefly, around 2009-2013 m&s did excellent bright coloured, nicely patterned and sometimes distinctly sexy and “young” underwear, mostly under the “Limited Collection” brand.
Mmmmmm lemon bon bons
Jesus Christ. Why would you add 4? What do they think the numbers are? They’re inches! They’ve always been inches! You band size is the size in inches of your f***iing ribcage (with skin fat and muscles).
They don’t even do a 30?!?! Are they mental?
It’s only gelato if it’s actually gelato* though - I’ve noticed a trend in some people to call everything gelato in an attempt to sound fancy.
Oh I'm not going to lie I assumed oatmeal was porridge made of pinhead oats because that would make it... Mealy
Surely they’re not popsicles either?
Always my question!
Wait I’m sorry how is Tomorrow War even a plot?!
Having forms of slavery and having forms of slavery specifically of black people because you think they’re just beasts of burden aren’t *quite* the same.
Personally when I read that I assumed his son was... (*Whispers*) a h.o.m.o.s.e.x.u.a.l. rather than in any way an actual criminal