Yep I do most of what you do, substitute the ski/boating with many field sports, and mountain biking. A Ridgeline would be perfect
Yep I do most of what you do, substitute the ski/boating with many field sports, and mountain biking. A Ridgeline would be perfect
I want to buy this truck because it’s actually everything I need, including an inbed beer cooler and dead body storage! Sold!
Iran is a fairly small peaceful, respectable country. It’s just surrounded by a bunch of messed up hostile countries. They need to have a voice and flaunt power or else they will look weak and be invaded.
Just like how the U.S points its nukes and advanced weapons at everyone.
Uh, if you on a potentially broken riverboat, and and another countries destoyer (or large boat’s) come to detain you, you don’t really have a choice.
Depending on your situation, you can be an open hot married person.
Did that in the 2008 Ridgeline.
Sweet, dead body storage! ... Works well in the winter!
I would use that as cannon fodder for poor managment.
That’s not what I think, when I hear the term bitch or bitchy. I think it means a grumbly difficult/unplesent person?
Just wondering, why can’t you be good at your job and not a bitch? Just a question, I don’t mean anything by it.
I want this or the Colorado!
Looks like he was laughing at an unrelated thing. Gaga walked by and intentially knocked his elbow off the chair end, which produces a quick glair.
I understand the hole tinkering, its fun. But how much does this cost and time to do? You can simply buy an led smart light or wemo switch thses days for cheap.
I enjoyed your article, so dont take me wrong.
It has, D&G are just late to the party.
“BlackBerry 10 is a proprietary mobile operating system developed by BlackBerry Limited for itsBlackBerry line of smartphones.[2][3][4] BlackBerry 10 was completely built from the ground up, and powered by QNX. BB10 Devices running BlackBerry 10 are the Z30, Z10, Z3, Q10, Q5, P’9982,[5] P’9983, the BlackBerry Passport,…
QNX made the operating system for BlackBerry 10 smart phones, so you bet they can make interactive OS, its their bread and butter these days.
Very surprised by the boring choices from twitter, YouTube etc.