
Who the fuck cares? Apparently this BMW owner cares, or else he would not have damaged the truck. If he cares this much, he should not have initiated the douchbag parking job that sends all the wrong messages and ticks everyone off.... Also I must make this point, I always assume that if a dick parks like this and you

Now we know what a lowered Outback looks like!

He missed the wrench pit! lol

Had an accident on the highway a few years back with my Saab 9-3... all that broke was my grill and some scratches that buffed out. Other guy, not so much.

I currently own an 9-3 Aero, and love it. At this point in time, I’m close to trading in my wife’s Mazda 3 and picking up a decent used 2010/11/12 year outback.

I like your idea, but you can just go somewhere and get married cheap with a few close friends and only immediate family. Its when you include everyone else, does it get expensive.

As I guy, I agree with this statement.

Rock on!

I’ll do F/F/M but not M/M/F .

I don’t get it, I’d sleep with many 160lbs women.... Don’t jump to quick conclusions lady’s.

I was totally going to say that, you beat me to it!

Here is the problem with this little trucklet........ For the trailhawk, it starts at $31,145 CDN. You can buy a crap load of better vehicles for that much.

Kia Sorento with tech package and locking differential! This hits all your needs and wants.

HA! That's so me. At least I can start in 2nd, or 3rd if I'm feeling giddy.

Umm, I might be wrong, but I thought escorts are just glorified prostitutes? Also, if I were using this type of "service" I would expect/assume it.

I believe keeping it simple and personal is a better option. I proposed in our master bedroom while playing a slideshow on the TV of all the memories we created over the past year. Obliviously there is more to it, but you probably get the gist.

Those Euro Fighters are HOT!

Just like the Super Tomcat that never was, the Super Hornet is probably the best choice for cost and bang for buck for the reasonable future. At least until a simple but revolutionary design finally makes them obsolete.