
Well done Iceland. England and Roy Hodgson are fucking garbage.

Well, happy for the 52% who voted leave, anyway. Us 48% would prefer commiserations, if you can spare them.

Just like every other messaging app out there. You don’t expect to make a Skype call for someone to answer in Excel, do you?

There is absolutely no permission in this list that scares me. In order to implement its funcionality, an app often needs permissions that sound ominous when that’s not really the case. For instance, it must be able to modify USB storage so it can save messages and media files and it has access to GPS location so the

No argument there.

“Tomorrow Thiel could wake up, decide he hates Brits, and destroy The Guardian.”

It’s not often you see someone publish a factual error in their first word!

Orlove is trying to get the last of his left wing hand jobs in before Thiel buys Gawker cans his ass.

Ugly scenes as Irish fans help an elderly couple change a flat tire

At least the Swedes and Irish fans can get along:

Mullets take too long to grow.

Hey, congrats to all the participants in the thread, there was some solid gold in there. Also, I would like to dedicate this COTD to Mate Petrany and the Budapest team — best of luck in their next endeavors, whatever those may be.

I don’t know.

A smart home protocol ratified by the IEEE.

It’s funny that I am more excited about a video of 3 fools procrastinating than a video of fast cars that you see in the New Top Gear teaser.

Gotta stick up for haggis. Its hard to find it properly done, but when you do, its delicious!

Haggis on an English muffin with a poached egg is the breakfast of champions.

White people will still find a way to complain- “But my family have been in this country for so long that I don’t even know what country they were from! It’s like I have no culture!” This is a luxury situation- your family is so well-established and so far from from immigrant status that you can’t identify a country

I’m subversive like that.