
The 757 uses one of the Skydrol fluids for the brakes. I’m not an engineer, and it’s been some years since I’ve flown it (777 is my current type), but it was generally considered very unpleasant stuff. There are many variants (Skydrol is a brand - not an actual type of fluid and there are quite a few products used by

A solid answer from your companion. Engines are leased by airlines which confuses people but it’s pretty simple. Imagine you lease your Mustang from a dealer but it doesn’t come with an engine. Then imagine you pick an engine from a Mustang-authorised dealer and lease that - the kinder you are to it, the dealer says,

I’ve got about 8000 hours on 757s. If you’re down to the point of having to use the alternate gear extension and flap extension (both electric), something has gone horribly wrong with the hydraulics.

If there was any fucker who knew what was going on it was this guy ! But good luck getting him to face any charges he’s in China at VW.

Id like to add to this discussion. I’m a diesel engine performance engineer.

You racist bro?

That was fucking incredible.


Show me on the doll where Steve Jobs touched you.

I’m basing that on years of watching his junior career develop and his success faltering as he moves up the ladder. The only championships he won are very junior series (Skip Barber regional championships, Formula BMW, etc). Once he got to the challenging ones, he started sliding down the championship order. GP2 isn’t

Let me introduce you to my not so secret lusts:

It is either eaten with lime juice, or as part of a meal - rice, beans, collard greens, a few of those so the overall result is not too fatty.

Yeah, I’ll be waiting for a while, but it’ll get down to that price point eventually if the other two are any indication.

Yeah, I’ll be waiting for a while, but it’ll get down to that price point eventually if the other two are any

Totally agree. I went from a Performance MX to a G700 when the latter went on sale and the battery life is just awful on the G700. I’ve gotten in the habit of charging it daily, but it’s getting replaced when the MX Master gets down to $50 on sale.

Totally agree. I went from a Performance MX to a G700 when the latter went on sale and the battery life is just

Dogs > people

Now playing

Also, to help you soothe the British car show itch:

Of course he doesn’t. He wrote this while looking at himself in a mirror and iterating over and again, “I’m so awesome, I’m so awesome; I know nothing about anything I write about, but I’ll be snarky and others will think I actually have any idea about any of these technological concepts. Tomorrow, I think I’ll write

The entire commercial airline system. Anywhere in the world in no more than a day or two.

You are wrong. That is the right side

Now playing

Here’s the full race. Gatlin just about had this won with 10 meters to go but started flailing and dipping at the line far too early.