
Madeleine! Spoiler alert with the photo! And on the front page, too!

Freedom of speech protects you from the government, not everyone else

Reminds me of this

I usually don't throw rocks at Giz articles, but anyone that sees a sample of audible high frequency audio sampled at ~40k know that it sucks compared side by side to a higher one. (if your ear's can't discern, at least do the math or see a graphical representation).

Man this article is a joke. The lack of knowledge and experience in the audio world shows greatly in the article. You only mention 2 types of DAPs. Heck, the other DAP you have chosen is that new ZX2, which nobody has reviewed and judged and yet you already put your judgement on an unreleased product.

We may never see anything like this again.

"I can't benefit from this; therefore, anyone who says they can are lying and/or stupid."

Provides a better, easier grip on the saw, reduces blisters and strain.

If I were SONY, I would pull an Apple and release the damn thing for FREE on every single digital platform like YouTube, iTunes, NetFlix and Amazon Video.

Kinda makes you wonder what The Pandorica's origins were....

You might appreciate knowing that the man who, together with his wife, is peddling the "nano-silver" snake-oil ebola "cure" is retired Major General Albert Stubblebine. From the WikiPedia entry on him - "A proponent of psychic warfare, Stubblebine was involved in a U.S. Military project to create "a breed of 'super

I'm reading all the nominations and all these soundbars people are nominating are based on price (allof them being low with the Sonos being considered "expensive"). To get great audio equipment you have to spend money. I not only work at an audio video store but I've tested and listened to many of these soundbars.


I'm reading all the nominations and all these soundbars people are nominating are based on price (allof them being

Honestly? These are your picks for best headphones? There's not one there that would even crack the top 20. Looks like a list of "best marketing campaigns for headphones".

Honestly? These are your picks for best headphones? There's not one there that would even crack the top 20. Looks

Yes, let's leave these American citizens to die rather than doing everything we can to treat them. After all they went to help poor sick people, and they pretty much deserve to die for that.

lol what will this douche bags response be? hmmmm ...

I'd rather Lancia just die than have them continue to rebadge shitty Chryslers.

I currently work in clinical research. I'm going to leave some details out because it's just smart but a little while ago I had to look up info for my supervisor in order for her to make an argument to policy makers on improving and adopting a certain screening exam in the U.S. . One of the most helpful and detailed

Ding! If your country and our race survives long enough, children will be taught in school why Reagan was one of the worst presidents ever.