Donnybrook. I’m from there.
Donnybrook. I’m from there.
This. I assume you all know that back home here in Dublin he’s an utter snowdog....?
It’s pretty much the basis for all blind articles referencing kids TV for years.
In the office earlier, one of my more fundamentalist co-workers kept repeating “ Well there’s a name for women who get paid for sex”. You don’t engage with her as, well, she’s nuts. Anyways, I did and I asked her what’s she’d call a man who paid for sex.... she didn’t really know what to say so when I said “Mr.…
I did a drifting 101 day a while back at Mondello Park - the track in the vid - and my driver/coach for the day was none other than James.... It’s a great day out for something a little different. And man, is it hard....
5am Saint is spectacular. One of the best beers ever tasted...
Given the Passat and the Insignia have gone head to head in Europe for years and years it’s not much of a contest. Comparing an Arteon to the Insignia in Europe would be deemed laughable.
Regardless... it’s still gut-rotting filth....
Where did I mention Putin? Oh, only Putin has access to botnets? I see.
The poor women you reference is the woman referenced in the photo accompanying this article. While I’d never be so trite to sugger martyr status, it was her situation that really, really and I mean *really* crossed the Rubicon. There were other injustices since, but her utterly unnecessary and futile death finally put…
Yep. Very pleased that this is progressing but it’s gonna be a scuzzy shitstorm. The pro-lifers are already out pushing their pamphlets with pictures of aborted foetuses through letterboxes (yes, I’m Irish and that’s what we use call them). More benignly, and disgracefully, they’ve also latched on to kids with Down…
Can you imagine if this actually goes down. As in Trump is arrested, impeached or whatever for obstruction etc.... Trumpsters will literally - and I mean literally in the literal sense of literal - scorch and salt the country, nay, the planet. If they can’t have it, nobody else will.....
My new favourite word.
I know this goes without saying but he simply cannot be in excellent health. He is obese. His BMI is 30+. His diet is simply appalling and regardless of how good one’s genes are, it’s a lifestyle that can’t be sustained. He may be able to knock out plenty of golf, but he’s not walking around - he’s being driven in…
Now let’s watch her and the legacy of her show go the way of Tim Allen’s last show...
Call Shane McGowan British to his face and see what happens...
Well, over on the other side of the pond, we do both - turkey and ham is the perfect combo. A good slice of ham for every two slices of turkey. Stuffing, gravy. Awesome.
‘Specially in a Chelsea shirt....!
It really was.... I laughed hard..... then and even now....