
Oe you could move to Europe and get it on Netflix.... it’s very good y’know....

That’s just clownish and you’re embarrassing yourself. That’s not to say there aren’t any great shows on your list, and save for Star Trek, none have had the longevity or cultural impact as Who. For a shonky liitle BBC show to have such a profound affect on the genre around the world for decades indicates otherwise.

Call Shane McGowan British to his face and see what happens...

Well, over on the other side of the pond, we do both - turkey and ham is the perfect combo. A good slice of ham for every two slices of turkey. Stuffing, gravy. Awesome.

‘Specially in a Chelsea shirt....!


It really was.... I laughed hard..... then and even now....

So different context. It was the late 1990's and early days in mobile communications. My now wife picked up my cell while I was in the bathroomand started to listen to my voicemail. One of those messages was from a lady and in her sweetest dulcet tones wanted to know when i’d be calling over.... that she had a hot

Need to re-hydrate after exercise? Drink milk. Yep, milk. Better than sports drinks.... better than water... seriously....

Am in Vancouver this week and watching NBC’s coverage... I normally watch Sky and/or C4 back home... holy crap the coverage is pants. I feel for you F1 fans, I really do... It’s insufferably bad...

I’m certain of one thing - the ev range is horseshit. You’d be lucky to get 10 miles on a full charge in normal driving. I recently tool delivery of a BMW PHEV. Lovely car and it’s very economical. But the published ev range is nonsense in real world driving.

A chara. I like your style...

I could respond to you in a reasoned fashion that in the hope you might understand what you said is unbelievably flawed because gender clearly, clearly is not binary. Anyone with a modicum on intellect and education would understand this. Language evolves.

Now let’s find this cunt and have the internet destroy his life - for real.... fucker deserves to eat gruel and never again get to feel clean for the rest of his pissy self absorbed entitled life.

I particularly liked the rabid nature of the comments around the internet and in my Office those that called John Carter derivative of Superman.... it was funny.

The Kodak Brownie. In 1900, it brought snapping to the masses and created a simply massive, global market for film based cameras that would last for a century. Of course, it became their undoing too when digital took over, which is a different story of course.

Look. I have no beef with you or your life choices. I glean zero smug fucks. You have your choices and more power to you. That said, by their very nature and ability to shit on anyone at any time, most CEOs are sociopaths/psychopaths. You probably know thatof course, but if not - they are. You’re a code monkey so

Don’t you mean sit in a cube for 8 hours a day - for fucking money?

Y’know, this fella can pretty much do whatever he wants and nothing will happen to him. The Good Lord could split the skies, and send his Son back to earth to save us all, where Trump would promptly shit in his mouth and his base would still fucking vote for him.

I know I’m a little late to this conversation but I just popped by to say poppycock - in my most nasally condescending upper-class Downton Abbey voice.