Oh how quaint. Thinking Renault interesting and Citroen DS premium!
Oh how quaint. Thinking Renault interesting and Citroen DS premium!
This. Save your money. Buy an EV locally - eGolf, Nissan Leaf... that sort of thing. Living in London and owning something bigger than these will ruin your live.
Put on your big-boy pants and try come up with a better retort... that’s not even the smallest bit offensive.... Silly little boy with Mommy issues...
The were only women, right? May the crabs of a thousand Jordanian whores infest your crotch.
It’s a well worn path this, but difference between free speech and free from consequence of what you say has never been so beautifully demonstrated.
I would not. Not even with yours.....!
The basis for that car was the Opel Kadett E.....
There’s perhaps one Opel I’d consider if I was on the market for a small city car - the cute Opel Adam. However, I’m not nor will ever be on the market for a small city car.
Those meatballs. They’ll fuck you up. But the those Daim bars..... all I see forgiven...
I don’t mean to be insensitive, but taking a drug like this and not understanding what a prophylaxis is, is just asking for trouble.
Don’t you mean; Wait Period What Question Mark?
I reckon the Chinese will have some input to that particular outcome....
You know what’s being missed? He’s just admitted that’s he’s inclined to do the wrong thing! Always.
You see, this issue of wagons being underrated is very much an American one. As a Euro (yep, I know, I believe we’re the enemy nowadays!), We do love our wagons and more importantly, we buy them is big numbers..... Like you, I really can’t comprehend why anyone would buy a FWD crossover instead of a Passat wagon or…
Don’t worry she’ll find a way to blame Obama. All will be well in her world when she’s on a lower income and no health cover.
I hope they release the PHEV 530e variant in wagon form. They didn’t do so with the 330e. Having driven the 330e, it’s a fantastic drive even with the extra weight and while tempted to buy one, I’ll take it in a 5 any day of the week.
I genuinely applaud your sentiment, but it’s too late for that. I really mean it. You have an extremist in power, actually you have extremists across all aspects of power and their support base has never been bigger. Marshal law will be decreed in the next month or so and his grip on the country will start to erode…
Not quite, but he want to enact marshal law to affect his totalitarian plans. Remember, all his supporters have the guns... your civil defenders included.
Europeans don’t consider them Europeans. They are just that. Too primative.
The USA. Now the most powerful member of the Axis of Evil. And you now have a special day for it.