
Not since 1974.

Come tomorrow afternoon, we’re not allies anymore.... you know that, right?

Did she pay you?!

Yes. It’s called weather. All of it. Constant.

In fairness I was talking more generally as I believe you were too. I know he stayed where he did in Moscow.

The President usually sleeps at the Embassy or the Ambassador’s residence and sometimes that’s the same place. Usually. Not always, but usually.

Or in British, PeeKhazi..... :)

You’re clearly intelligent and legible but if you think the boot against your throat is all Obama’s doing and that Trump is gonna fix it all for you, they’re no hope for you. This is not to mock or insult you. America is a train-wreck, it has been for generations and will continue as such.

Huh? Weather is unmistakably constant.

You also cant have any of that without 5G networks. As in completely ubiquitous, always available, available everywhere, ultra high bandwidth, consistently low latency connectivity.

Point of interest... Sattelite radio is not a thing in Europe. We have DAB and even then adoption is mediocre. As you are probably aware, internet access is generally better over here - more choice, better quality and very reliable. This factors in broadband at home and mobile. All my radio is now streamed via

I see what you’re trying to do here but unfortunately you’re not doing particularly well.

Well he does host UC and that’s pretty much all he does nowadays.

I’m curious.... if that’s ugly, what mid-size SUV do you find not ugly?

Hey.... it’s still snowflake season.... alt/right buttercupping abuse begins in springtime......

It’s just such a pity you guys over there don’t get the European B8 Passat as opposed to the cheap ass’d version in the picture at the top of the page... I mean, I get why... you’d never pay what VW would have to charge for it... it’s a well worn road this Passat discussion, I know...

Fucking stupid Brits.....

Plus, he’s driven faster than every other James out there.... Bond, Hunt.... faster....

Fucking stupid Muricans....

No, you muppet..... Glazier.... its Glazier.... language. It’s not that fucking hard.