
What the fuck are you talking about? Ireland ranks higher on the HDI than the US does. It has a higher standard of living than you can ever imagine. National Healthcare is of a decent standard - no insurance needed - and private healthcare excellent. Abortion is an issue but if that’s your only benchmark for a

Just like Jesus is ‘white’... you know... since the beginning of the legend....

Um, are you fuking blind and stupid? How the fuck is his way any different or worse than the ‘American Way’....? The untold millions of Ameican citizens locked in poverty while American kleptocracy enriches itself. Further, the untold millions of impoverished or worse, dead, in support of American foreign policy over

The racism and diabetes in strong in these women....

We now know that 49% of Americans are fucking racist cuntish fucktards.

Fuck Trump. I mean, really, fuck him. This however really makes me sad. Really, really sad. For what it’s worth, I’ll share; I’m an Irish guy traveling in the USA this week. This week as you may be aware is hard on every one -not just Americans.  Myself and my wife have been massive Lenny fans for years. Since the

What the fuck has this country gone and done?! Your clownish new President is.... ah fuck it, I can’t do this right now. I’m going to bed.

It’s like rayeeyain on your wedding day...... Who would’ve though it?!

The first luxury SUV was an M Class?! In 1997?! No. it’s already in the video. And it was 1970 too.

They’re also noisy and hot under load. I’d never consider one as a HTPC...

They’re also noisy and hot under load. I’d never consider one as a HTPC...

As much and all as I love this video, Halloween is Monday... Not today. Not Sunday.... It’s Monday...

The English language is a wonderful thing... Clinton is allegedly a criminal. Trump is - by his own admission - literally a sexual abuser.

Let me guess, you only really liked Jagged Little Pill and not her ‘later stuff’ too....?

Sigh. What’s worse is I’m European and this is stuff we learned when we were 8 or 9.....

This. For fuck sake, people are awfully stupid.

What the fuck are you on about? He didn’t live long enough to do any of that. He was assassinated five days after Lee surrendered with the war itself not yet finished as the last bullet fired was recorded many weeks later...

Joe Strummer was not an unattractive man.... Having seen some shots of him cast, it’s not outrageous....

But moreso toast. With real dairy butter - salted- and a large pot of breakfast tea. My Sunday morning staple.

It is indeed. Irish black pudding in particular. It’s also a great addition to mashed potatoes for something more savory. Finally, try it with some pan fried scallops. Again a great combination. None of those are breakfast dishes. Google for recipes.

I bought a brand new Volkswagen last year. A diesel. I live in Europe. It’s pretty much worthless. It also has more rattles than snakes in Texas.