
1997 called and want their pager back.... ;)

Same here in Ireland. Tho’ here in Eurp, we’ve a very different approach to use of personal information and data protection than the USA... Perhaps that’s got something to do with it...

Aw shucks.... Thing is, I couldn’t really give a shit - of your acerbic opinions and the of fight in general. You really are full-on for this shtick and its kinda moronic. The fact that he winds you up so much means he's already won... I will say though, McGregor - as you know well - was fighting a guy waaaaay above

You, my good man, get one whole star!

Diaz... fuckin’ loser....

I’d take a knife to that cunt’s basketballs and make sure the were no use to anyone ever again.

In an interesting twist, the Russian who Conlon beat the shit out of is reportedly unable to compete in the semi final as he was completely fucked up by Conlon after the bout....

You see that’s America’s first mistake right there... Expecting - what is for all intents and purposes is a public service - should run at a profit. The European countries with the worst rail service are those who privatized. And when I say countries, I mean the UK. They privatized and their service is by and large

How much? 210 Poloniums.... that’s how much...

No highs, no lows, pay thru the nose.... must be Bose.... That’s what they say!

Just like in the Deathly Hallowa, you’re allowed to support another house when your Wizard is knocked out of the competition....

Slytherin are Trump supporters

I know you’re only an American and all of that, but America are not the the defending gold medalist... This Olympics is the first Olympics where Rugby Sevens is played. the USA are the current Rugby Union medalists from 1924.

Beauty and grace!?! Bloated behemoths more like. Now, a Miura or perhaps a simple Alfa Spider.... That’s automotive beauty and grace...

Ive driven it. It’s nothing special. Certainly not in same league Merc GL.

I ended up in ER after a nasty crash 20 years ago.... Cracked two vertebra and has swelling on my spinal cord... Anyway, 6 weeks later and I walked out of rehab.... The most painful aspect mind you was dealing with the road rash on my face (face first!) and body... Having 100's of bits of grit tweezed out of your face

We’re learning that she’s badly concussed, has some spinal damage and is in intensive care. But is awake and in shock.

Was watching live on BBC and man, that was nasty... So fast... And then a few seconds later when the next rider went by she was still not moving... My wife started to cry....

I’m white and Irish (real, proper Irish... from Ireland) and I’m struggling to spot the difference... they do all look the same... It’s surreal how generic ‘pageant pretty’ is...