Sidecar racing used to be on tv all the time when I was a kid - 70s & 80s. I always thought it was mental but great viewing. Miss seeing it....
Sidecar racing used to be on tv all the time when I was a kid - 70s & 80s. I always thought it was mental but great viewing. Miss seeing it....
Sean that’s not what their referendum was about. It was to leave the UK and not to declare a republic. The Queen would have remained head of state
I drove the 250d a couple of months back and concluded its a magnificent automobile. Comfortable, powerful, friugal and absolutely luxurious. It does indeed our s-class the s-class. Can't wait for the wagon.
Drove it last year. I really disliked the ZF auto when hooked up to the diesel. Dreadful marriage. All over the place and never in the gear you want. Needs to be kept in sport mode to make any progress. Inside is nice enough but then it’s really just a tiny bit smaller than the XF too. Pointless really.
Fuck you you shitty mouthed nasty motherfucker.... That’s beyond the pale... What’s next with that piece of Trump-esque logic inspired blame shifting? Maybe if 49 Floridians weren’t gay they’d still be alive? Cunt.
Adam Levine, he ‘ain’t.... Sorry if the Rats are not to your taste.... Incredibly impactful band in their day....
It’s really an incredibly moronic mistake to make...
Dude.... He’s fucking Irish. The worst, most offensive thing you can do to an Irishman is call him British. Fix it before you regret it.... Internet pain and the impact to your credibility is a bitch....
Ditto. And I know of them too - from my US travels. The only person I know who likes them at home is this Polish chap who does some work for me from time to time....
Never is the answer. The Swedes on the other hand can get a little pushy with their banter... Your Momma / your wife is ugly gags.... of which they tried to get the Irish to bite... and failed... and partied... it’s just the way it is....
It’s also a fair thing to say that very few Irish in Ireland have even heard of the Dropkick Murphy’s...
Stupid facebook linking.....
They have oil. A shitload of oil....
That’s how Swedish Ultras do it....
Truth be told the Irish wouldn’t give a shit.... That ships sailed. It’s a laughable attempt at verbals... Now, throw a few rebel songs at the kippers and it’s a different story! Can’t take it...
Or maybe now the Russians have money, caviar and mince filled Cornish Pasties...
While the Swedes will be a target of the Russians, the Irish tend to bring their infectious party wherever they go with little or no trouble....
I’d be fairly certain that either England or Russia, or both for that matter will be out and on their way home come the weekend.