
You know it's quite probable that our descendants won't survive this fucking century.....

It's highly unlikely that I'll ever see this movie. But I can pretty much say it won't be because of this particular controversy....

50 pounds of butter and cream is going to make anything taste good.... Does not make her a great cook....

Kinda... but perhaps a small one carrying a deatly space virus that only infects and kills cunts... male and female cunts that is...

They make a R-line Tiguan... Quite the difference....

Nope. Keep moving.....

Like all colonies, Australia is full of people who could not make a go of it back home....

This may come as something of a surprise but this is a clear demonstration of the ‘American way’ in action....

You think...

Needs moar onion gravy......

David Tennant?????!!!!!!

And DC for that matter...

The one that pretty much started it all.... John Carter Of Mars....

None. Well... Not exactly. I lease. I would never, ever part with my own cash on an item that deprecates faster than a car. Never. A monthly payment is easy and if it all goes tits up, return car and keep cash. It’s all the more important that the lease is cost effective. What I mean is that the lease is cheaper than

What? Carry my own luggage? Like some sort of.... sort of ANIMAL?!

Derp of the day award.....

That’s a flawed model as it ties you completely to IOS and iTunes.

As an owner of a relativly large collection of Sonos stuff.... I’ve a few Connect Amps and a few Play 5 and Play 3’s. So I’m all in. I should add that these are all for convenience listening and most by my family. I’m a 2 channel guy and have my own music room that I use frequently.

I’m pretty certain that your 335d was not as clean as you were lead to believe... Sweet engine all the same....

What model of Passat has adblue? The new 240bhp version I was aware of..... that it?