
You do get that GoP, or, Grand old Party means pretty much fuck all to those of us outside of North America - assuming of course is means something to those sharing the continent with the USA.....

the problem is they can't afford two £10 million plus salaries next year - both Alonso And Button are expensive while Magnuson will still be cheap.....

I lived in Germany(Düsseldorf) for a year in the early 90's.... endless hours of Freiheit or Munchener Freiheit - as they were known there - at the time were the big band of the day.... My girlfriend was an ELO nut with a penchant for Chris DeBurgh.... It was a fucking nightmare.....

As someone with an extensive Sonos setup from multiple amps, a couple of connects and a few Play 5 speakers I mean this with the greatest of respect to Sonos: if you are looking for a single speaker setup - look elsewhere. If you are looking for more than one or multi room, you MUST consider Bluesound. I've trialled

As someone with an extensive Sonos setup from multiple amps, a couple of connects and a few Play 5 speakers I mean

What a self aggrandized fucker.... As in the Sherrif....

Fuck sake. You need to think beyond both oceans.... Every time Ireland needs to change its constitution it has a referendum.... It's planning a referendum in 2015 to amend our constitution to allow for same sex marriage.

To be fair I was highlighting Thermarest in the same way that vacuum and Hoover are synonymous... not completely clear in fairness. The main point however is that airbeds need to be avoided....

Here's another thing you're not told..... Those who have the means to buy whatever car they want outright, rarely ever do.... Reason? Why spend your owns money when you can spend someone elses...?! My money makes more for me than the cost of borrowing for a loan/lease....

Very small things can be extremely deadly to much larger things. Ebola for example....

biggest rookie mistake when camping is to use an inflatable air bed... I see this all the time. It gets very cold from contact with a frozen earth and it's horrible. Thermarest is the only option!

I know I'm coming to this a little late but the entire Star Wars mythology and franchise is based on mixing spirituality with science fiction.

The fact that you include B&W in that line up utterly discredits your opinion.

And like you, they're consumers who buy stuff.... If it sounds decent, it's not too egregious a price....

The One Drive app is particularly good for backing up photos on iOS. Free space is decent and relatively cheap to upgrade. For example I got 2 years upgrade to 200gb for buying Skype Premium. Worth a look....

Nah. Why should the guy who does not believe in auras and fairies and other horseshit be deemed the skeptic? His position is entirely rational whereby science broadens it's understanding of things as new information is presented. That's not being a skeptic. The hippie on he other hand deserves nothing but cynicism.

It's not necessarily a locks unpickability that makes them a security risk . Most burglars won't have any inclination in picking a lock.... It's their 'bustablity' that really matters.... As in a small but strong screwdriver hammered sharply into the barrel shattering the internal pins and destroys the internals....

In my mind that's akin to saying a bacterial infection is preferable to a viral one. Both suck equally and I'd rather both kept away from my head.

I appreciate youse Yanks probably would not have got this but casting Frank Skinner as Perkins was actually quite a big thing... He's really quite famous in these parts.... probably on a par with Catherine Tate in terms of personality status.... I get the impression we might see Perkins again...

When my doggie gets the chance to lick my fac e- normally when bouncing on me in bed on Sunday mornings - she always makes her way to my ears.... Dogs, right?!

In 20 years time it will look as an 8 Series looks today - distinctly of its time yet all the more awesome for it.....