
Buy Kerrygold. It will ruin you though.... You've never look at that pathetic excuse for American butter again. Buy some nice bread and toast it, slather it with Kerrygold and eat. Wonderful stuff.... All natural too.

Quite the fail!

Having spent many a night under the sky in a rural Africa, I can say I've never seen the night sky like it anywhere else... It's a humbling and powerful experience. If feels like you're peering into the heart of the universe...

Jesus Bob, really?! Ha! I see you have form with this sort of miserable cunty shit....! You are a fairly nasty fucker aren't ya! I would have thought that The Journal was more your home than this place.....

K. Fwiw... I'm Dublin born and bred, live in County Kildare and am - much to your disappointment - not an American. The internet does not prevent chaps from Ireland from accessing American web content you know. So perhaps my idea of a bit of a joke was a little too Irish for you.... Oh. Sierra Leone. Nice. Stout there

Tell that to my birth certificate and passport you fucking wannabe. Feisigh do thoin fein.....

Another joke sailing waaaay over your head again..... Fella, ya need to lighten up......

Free state water free state made. Except the Nigerian Guinness of course.

I thought it was funny. And while the Black Bush is made proud with fine Antrim water and the pavements in the town of Bushmills are painted red white and blue, Jameson and the Black Stuff is as Free State as you can get!

Pickled onion Monster Munch.... Nomnomnomnom.... Miss those....

It's not. Amazingly it's called a Walkman. The new zx1 to be specific.

Mine is the Lamy 2000 Blackwood ballpoint....

Yeah, tell that To Angela Merkel - who has Europe's 'greyback' politial leaders by the balls.....

Run away Gawker Media readers.... Run away and forget your ever heard of Ryanair..... it's not the low fare airline you're looking for....

I assume this is all relative to your perceived level of fitness and willingness to get off your ass and pedal. Cycling is extremely efficient and quick.... I live 20 kilometers from my office and have a great series of cycleways on my route. It takes me less than an hour to get to work during peak hours. 10

Duh.... Yeah!!! Medicine and health care is so fucking profitable......

Aka a BJ...

I tend not to get involved with these sorts of silly squabbles, but holy crap, you're deluded and seemingly deeply misguided. If Palin is your yardstick for strength in women, you must not think very highly of women in the first place....

Don't confuse the stereotype.... We Irish learn not to get on in the first place....

Indeed.... FYI - the rest run OS/2 Warp.....!