Victorious Secret

Life motto: Never lift in the gym, never lift in the corners.

You'll get that snap oversteer if you don't correct your steering angle to compensate for the change in speed, but turning a FWD car is just as dependent on throttle/brake use as other drivetrains.

Yeah, even that edit didn't save you. If I brake, let alone lift when I shouldn't, I'm going to get some wicked snap oversteer in my FWD. No amount of steering input is going to save that, unless by some act of God. half-win this round. But I'll keep one of my two eyes on you.....

"Understeer is easy to get out of, just brake" unless it leads to snap oversteer which is what the FWD was also suffering from in this case. Not sure what the full turn/road is like but the FWD car either braked too hard or turned in too sharp, swung the back out, but didn't get on the gas to bring the front back out.


Looks I'd have to hand it to the 40, but driving experience the Enzo wins hands down.

that is true; but you speak like you have experience so I assume you are in your 50's or so.

I can only assume you've driven all of Ferrari's current lineup to come to this conclusion... because those that have all disagree with your assessment.

how old are you?

At least Miatas weren't mentioned


Ferrari making 3000 more cars a year is a nail in Enzo's coffin? Shit man, you trotted out EVERY worn out Jalopnik buzzword for insulting success in one comment, that's impressive.

...but aren't Ferraris the sharpest, best handling cars with the most feel today?

The opposite of what you say is true.

458 over everything because thats how big a boner the 458 gave me when I pegged it on redline through the Starbucks drive through.

True story.


This movie is going to be awful because Marvel said "Fuck you, we ain't scared" and is releasing Cap 3 on the same day.

Yea, thats the reason it sold so poorly....