Victorious Secret

Bruv if you start shit talking the Tata we’re gonna have a problem, ya feel?

I look forward to buying this in 2 years for 60% off because thats just the way it goes for Lincoln resale values.

See, this is the kind of “buy X instead of Y for same price” nonsense that isn’t nonsense.

Then go buy one, solve the problem yourself.

Oh my god grandpa, why don’t you just tell us to get off your goddamn lawn already?

Even us Canadians don’t like Quebec. Its a shitty version of France we didn’t ask for. Which is weird, since we like France just fine.

Top Gear money is gone AND he didn’t get any of that sweet Amazon money that Clarkson and his friends got.

He got offended right after Clarkson and co got paid by Amazon and after Clarkson brought his friends along for the ride.

Calling this a race issue is tenuous at best and flat out disingenuous towards racism that is used to degrade the position of a group in society.

In all my years here, Buzz is the one who wields the largest straw man. Or ad hominem. Or whatever the fuck the flavour of bullshit of the day there is.

Look at any interview that doesn’t have Nico but has Hamilton and Vettel. They’re cracking wise and laughing like normal people who shit talk each other.

Exactly. Seb has always been a world class troll, people just had too many blinders on about his car and his dominance to realize that he was a shit disturber of the highest order.

He had a shitty immobilizer alarm system installed that caused the issues.

I had a questionable bowel movement earlier but since then I have regained full function.

This fucking place sometimes...

Those who know, know these cars are amazing on the track (not the 0-60 drag bro do you even drift bro do you stance bro bullshit). But on the track.


I see you get your salt from the same supermarket as Nico.

Nico, the entire season, has displayed enough salt that people had to double check whether things still floated in the Dead Sea.

I know we’re supposed to take a shit down Lewis’s throat for throwing this hat at Nico Saltberg because Lewis clearly wanted to asset his hat throwing dominance over Nico but perhaps we can stop the “DAE LEWIS IS A DEVIL” circle jerk for a quick minute and realize that Lewis threw hats to both Vettel AND Nico?